miercuri, 4 iulie 2018

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Tokelau - 04.07.2018

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Reverse view of Tokelau silver $5 showing the stylized Scops Owl, the first coin in a new series. (Image courtesy Treasures of Oz)
The Pacific island state of Tokelau recently announced a planned series of sixteen $5 coins celebrating “The Wonder of Owls.” Each of the 65 mm, 31.1g (one ounce) .999 fine silver proofs will carry the design of a stylized owl on its reverse. The coins are being struck at Det Norske Myntverket (Mint of Norway) with a mintage of 1,000 apiece.

The first coin has been issued. It celebrates the Scops Owls.

Scops are the typical owls, a group that includes 45 living species. The most widespread in the Eurasian Scops Owl (Otus scops). The scientific name means “eared watcher,” and the small gray brown owl is characterized by prominent ear tufts – as shown on the first coin’s design.

All coins in the new series will be available from Treasures of Oz, Email may be sent to

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