joi, 8 martie 2018

Noi monede comemorative din Spania - 08.03.2018

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The tribute that the National Factory of Currency and Timbre-Real Casa de la Moneda, this year to King Philip VI in the form of currency for the 50th anniversary of his birth, will not be left only in the already issued of 30 euros, the that can be acquired in banks, will also be issued another six pieces in different metals, silver and gold, which give a review of some of the most important moments in the life of the monarch. 

I'm going to show you some first sketches of how these coins will be, all of them minted in the highest quality (Proof). What I still do not know, are the data referring to prices or volumes of emission. When the sale dates are approaching I will provide you with better images and the precise data of each piece.

Coins of 10 euros (8 reais)


The first coin shows the then Prince Felipe, swearing the constitution on January 30, 1986, day in which he turned 18 years.
The second shows him as a standard bearer at the Olympics in Barcelona 92. 


The third is an image of May 22, 2004, the day on which he married Queen Letizia.

In the fourth he appears with his eldest daughter, the Princess of Asturias, Leonor de Borbón and Ortiz.

The reverse common to all coins, shows the coat of arms of Philip VI.

50 euro coin (cincuentin) 

The obverse shows the coat of arms of King Felipe VI surrounded by the coat of arms of the 19 autonomous communities and cities. 

On the back we see an image of the royal family.

Currency of 400 euros (8 escudos)

The obverse shows the traditional image of Philip VI. 
The reverse of the gold coin represents the proclamation of King Felipe VI on June 19, 2014, at the time of the oath of allegiance to the Spanish Constitution.

As I said before, when I have the complete data corresponding to this issue, I will offer them in a new entry. 

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