duminică, 4 februarie 2018

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Franţa - 04.02.2018

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While the Monnaie de Paris has not brought to the World Money Fair the commemorative 2-euro coin dedicated to celebrate the centenary of the end of the First World War, in its circulation currency version, it is expected that the official currency will be issued next 19 of this month of February, if it has shown the Proof version of the coin, which is colored.

The Bleuet de France (Cornflower from France) is represented in the aforementioned coin. For 100 years, the cornflower is the flower of Memory and Solidarity of France. It was born of
the will to come to the aid of the mutilated soldiers of the First World War (1914-1918). Quickly, this little flower became the symbol of the entire French nation grateful for the sacrifice of its soldiers in defense of their country and its ideals.

In the design, the Bleuet occupies the central part and is surrounded by the inscription «Le Bleuet de France, fleur de mémoire et de solidarité». The dates "1918-2018", the mention "RF" and the mint mark are also included in the design.
Today, the Bleuet de France continues its traditional mission of moral and economic support to veterans and victims of the war of yesterday and today, without forgetting the victims of terrorism. The Bleuet also contributes to the transmission of referents and values ​​such as respect, peace and tolerance among the youngest: a task of preservation of memory that honors those who fought and still fight for the freedom of the French.

2 commemorative coins 2018

2 commemorative coins of France
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