sâmbătă, 16 decembrie 2017

O nouă monedă comemorativă austriacă - 16.12.2017

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With the beginning of 2018 the commemorative 2 euro coin by the Münzen Osterreich dedicated to celebrate the Centennial of the Republic of Austria will be officially issued. Currency that like all those that Austria emits, be they of collection or of circulation, as this is the case, they are of an enormous beauty.


The design of the coin shows the statue of Pallas Athena in front of the Greek-style building of the Austrian Parliament, in Vienna. The goddess of wisdom symbolizes Austrian parliamentarism, as well as knowledge, reason and strategic talent. On the left side appears the year «2018» and, below, the text «100 JAHRE» (100 YEARS). The legend "REPUBLIK ÖSTERREICH" (REPUBLIC OF AUSTRIA) appears in the lower right part, in the form of a semicircle.

A curious fact about the coin is its circulation of 18,100,100 pieces, in clear allusion to the 100 years that Austria has.

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