marți, 24 octombrie 2017

O nouă monedă comemorativă franceză - 23.10.2017

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There is news about upcoming issues of commemorative 2 euro coins, the last I bring you referring to the one to be issued by France in 2018 to celebrate the Centenary of the end of the First World War, which I can already show you images . Under the name "Le Bleuet de France" (The Cornflower of France) will be officially issued on 5 February.

The Cornflower is a blue flower used in France as a symbol of memory and solidarity towards former combatants, war victims, widows and orphans. "Bleuet" was also the nickname that the "poilus" (so called French soldiers of the First World War, hairy and rude) gave the new soldiers, who arrived with their new blue uniform still immaculate.


The coin represents the Bleuet or flower of cornflower in the center, surrounded by the inscriptions "Le Bleuet de France, fleur de mémoire et de solidarité". The dates 1918 - 2018 commemorating the centenary of the end of the First World War the letters RF ( French Republic ) and mint markings. The coin has been designed by Joaquin Jimenez.

February 5, 2018 is the expected date of issue. The coins in quality BU and Proof will be emitted colored as you can see in the image on the right. The total issue volume is 10 million coins, of which 10,000 will be in BU quality and another 10,000 in Proof quality.

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