luni, 24 aprilie 2017

O nouă monedă şi bancnotă comemorativă din Insulele Fiji - 24.04.2017

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A nice coin and a curious ticket are the adjectives that would define the issuance of a coin and a ticket, both circulating, by the Fiji Islands as a way to celebrate the achievement of its first gold medal in history in the participation of An Olympic Games. Last August during the games of Rio they obtained the gold medal in rugby to seven, made more than remarkable for this small insular island located in the Pacific, that counts on a population of only 900,000 inhabitants.

Currency of 50 cents

Bonita, is the currency, at least in the designs made public by the Government of the country last Friday, for this currency of circulation of which have been minted 1 million pieces, more than inhabitants has the country, for a sport , The rugby, to which I do not remember that they have been dedicated many, and less of circulating type as it is this.

The reverse side of the coin has the words "FIJI RUGBY 7s" at the top. Underneath this and as the main image appears Fiji rugby team 7 pointing towards the inscriptions at the top. Underneath the players is the inscription "GOLD OLYMPIANS".

The obverse of the 50 cent coin has in the upper part the word 'FIJI' and the year of issue '2017'. To the left the face value "50 cents", to the right a representation of the coat of arms of Fiji. The main image is the coach of Fiji's 7 rugby team, Mr. Ben Ryan sitting on the sand dunes of Sigatoka with his arms crossed and the ocean as a backdrop. At the bottom are the words 'BEN RYAN SEVENS HEAD COACH'.

Broadcast data

Denomination: 50 cents
Metal: Nickel-plated steel
Weight: 8 g
Diameter: 28.3 mm
Issue volume: 1 million

$ 7 Fijian dollar bill

The qualifier of curious for the ticket comes first for the reason chosen, I do not think there are many tickets dedicated to rugby, and second for face value or face, $ 7. Fiji authorities present it as the world's first, circulating, "7" value. To say that the Fijian dollar has a value, today, of 0.466 euros, bringing the ticket of 7 dollars to change are 3.12 euros.

The primary color of the $ 7 commemorative ticket is blue, which is synonymous with the Fiji flag. The obverse is presented in vertical format and its reverse in a traditional horizontal way.

The obverse shows the captain of the Fiji 7 Olympic rugby team Mr. Osea Kolinisau with the country flag as a background. Like the coin, they also show us images of Fiji's coach and coat of arms.

The word "Fiji" appears in the upper left corner of the ticket while the denomination number is
present in the upper right corner in the gold and blue color in the lower left corner.

The reverse side shows, among others, the entire team including players and coaches, in a design full of watermarks and safety measures.

In total two million tickets will be put into circulation.

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