miercuri, 26 aprilie 2017

O nouă monedă comemorativă germană - 26.04.2017

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The German Ministry of Finance today announced the design to be represented in the 2-euro commemorative coin to be issued in 2018, dedicated to commemorating the centenary of the birth of Helmut Schmidt, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany since 1974 to 1982. 

The design is the work of the artist Bodo Broschat, Berlin's mint. The jury that decided on this coin argues about it: "This coin commemorates the work of the political life of Helmut Schmidt, on the occasion of his 100th birthday. The design offers an exceptional view of your life. Helmut Schmidt appears in his typical attitude; In dialogue with his counterpart. It is a sensitive and finely modeled portrait. The composition highlights the presence of this outstanding head of state. "

As was foreseeable, an emission volume of 30 million coins is announced, which is the norm for this type of emission in Germany. For its date of issue, nothing has been reported.

Remember that in 2018 Germany also issues a second commemorative 2-euro coin dedicated to the State of Berlin, which represents the Charlottenburg Palace located in the city of Berlin.

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