joi, 23 martie 2017

Despre noi monede comemorative din Bolivia - 23.03.2017

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By issuing two Bolivian coins for circulation, Bolivia continues with its claim to its right to an outlet to the sea. Bolivia lost 420 kilometers of coastline over the Pacific Ocean and 120,000 square kilometers of coastline after Chile's invasion of its territory, which ended with the Pacific War in 1879, and claimed an early exit from the early 19th century.

These commemorative coins of legal tender alluding to the Bolivian Maritime Claim pay homage to the courage and heroism of Bolivian citizens in the Pacific War, with the images of Bolivia's Colored Battalion and the heroine Genoveva Ríos.

This is the first time that commemorative coins of legal tender are issued in Bolivia. Initially, 350,000 have been put into circulation with the figure of the Colorados Battalion of Bolivia and Genoveva Ríos, to complete a batch of 8,400,000.

Until the end of the year, the Central Bank of Bolivia plans to complete this collection of commemorative coins of legal tender, with images of Eduardo Abaroa and Puerto de Cobija. In total, 16,800,000 coins will be put into circulation alluding to the Bolivian Maritime Claim throughout the year.

The image of the left coin "Genoveva Ríos", is inspired by a didactic drawing, by Abel Beltrán Saavedra which is one of the most popular representations of the girl heroine.

The image of the right coin "Colorados de Bolivia" is inspired by the painting "Los Colorados del 80" by the painter Avelino Nogales, which is preserved in the Government Palace of the Plurinational State.

Thanks to Juan Mercado, for the notice of the issuance of these coins.

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