sâmbătă, 31 decembrie 2016

Despre monedele de circulaţie din Zimbabwe - 31.12.2016

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Before presenting the new 1 dollar currency issued in Zimbabwe, I want to explain to you the peculiarities of this currency bond and how the country stopped having its own currency in 2009. The Zimbabwean dollar was the official currency of Zimbabwe from 1980 to April 12, 2009. Political turmoil and hyperinflation quickly eroded the value of the Zimbabwean dollar. In January 2009 the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe allowed the use of foreign currencies, which resulted in the dollarization of the economy. Its circulation was suspended on April 12 of that year.

Reverse of the series of eight coins that circulated from 1980 to 2009. From the bimetalica we see its two faces, above the reverse and down the obverse, design common to the whole series.
Since 18 December 2014 the bonus Zimbabwe (coins bond coins ) began to be issued, are metallic money they have parity with the US dollar.

Until a few weeks ago, the series of bonus coins was composed by the values ​​you can see in the picture.
Now comes the novelty is that since late November has introduced a new value, 1 bimetallic dollar completes the series of coins bond.

Currently, foreign currencies such as the South African Rand, the Botswana Pula, the Euro, the British Pound and the US Dollar are widely used in almost all transactions in Zimbabwe, as bonus currencies have not Confidence of the population.
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