duminică, 27 noiembrie 2016

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Kazahstan - 26.11.2016

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Within the "Rites and national games of Kazakhstan" series Bank of Kazakhstan today issued November 25 circulating coin of 100 tenge dedicated to "Қырқынан шығару" (Feast of 40 days). ancestral ritual in which only involved women held on the fortieth day after birth, which includes a bath for baby with 40 tablespoons of salt water in which objects and silver coins, regarded as a talisman against evil spirits get. Since ancient silver symbolizes purity. During the same ceremony performed his first haircut and nails, along with other rituals.

Features of the coin

Denomination: 100 tenge
Metal: Nickel
Weight: 11.17 g
Diameter: 31.0 mm
Circulation: 100,000

Here you can see the coins in this series, for now.

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