joi, 20 octombrie 2016

Monede britanice cu valoare de piaţă mai mare decât cea de circulaţie - 20.10.2016

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© The Royal Mint

Whilst everyone was getting excited about the new £5 notes being worth a lot more than £5, maybe we should have been taking a closer look at our 50p coins.

There are many 50p designs in circulation at the moment, the most common being a figure of Britannia, seated beside a lion, however it turns out that a few of them are worth a lot more than just 50p.

In the run up to the 2012 Olympics a variety of different Olympic designs were created including one of a swimmer (pictured below). Early versions of the coin show the swimmer with the water covering their head, however later versions have the lines of water removed.

© The Royal Mint

According to eBay only 600 of early version are in circulation, fetching up to £3000 when they were first placed on eBay.

29 Olympic designs were minted and of them the Triathlon, Football Offside Rule (pictured below right), Wrestling, Judo and Cycling are known to regularly fetch more than 50p. The Offside Explained one which apparently regularly changes hands for around £10. 

© The Royal Mint

Although not particularly rare the 2011 WWF design of the 50p (pictured above left) can often sell for around £200 to collectors, so start checking your purse!

Dating back to 1992/3 this larger 50p coin (pictured below left) was issued to celebrate the British presidency of the council of Europe. These won't be in circulation as in 1997 a smaller 50p was issued, however only 109,000 of the EC coin were minted so if you have one at home it could be worth around £40. 

© The Royal Mint

In 2009 a Kew Gardens design was minted to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the foundation of the Royal Botanic Gardens. Only 210,000 coins were made and they are currently selling on eBay for around £50.

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