joi, 8 septembrie 2016

O nouă monedă comemorativă lituaniană care va fi lansată în 2017 - 08.09.2016

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Some time ago, a collector Lithuania fellow sent me a picture that correspond to said commemorative 2 euro 2017 to be issued in their country under the name of "Vilnius, Cultural and Artistic Capital of the State". Since then, I've been trying to find out more about the image but at the moment I have not gotten to know if the official image of the coin or not.

The design shows an image of Vilna (Vilnius in Lithuanian language), the name of the city and the country, and 2017. The mintmark also appears, and again, I guess is the designer.

Add, that the image forwarded to the Bank of Lithuania for an answer on whether it is the official design, but I have not received a reply.

Known official data indicate an issue volume of 1 million pieces, with date of issuance during the third quarter of 2017.

If anyone can provide any more information will be welcome.

When I know more, I will communicate.

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