miercuri, 14 septembrie 2016

Despre cel mai mare tezaur descoperit în Marea Britanie (Jersey’s coin hoard)

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Jersey Museum conservator Neil Mahrer with coin number 54,952 – the one which put Jersey’s hoard above all others found in the British Isles. Picture: PETER MOURANT (16094721)

JERSEY’s Celtic coin hoard is now officially the largest ever discovered in Britain.

The Jersey Heritage team of researchers, who have been picking apart the discovery piece by piece, have now removed more than 55,000 coins from the 2,000-year-old hoard.

It was officially crowned the biggest haul ever discovered in the British Isles when the team removed the 54,952nd coin.

Neil Mahrer, Jersey Museum conservator, said the discovery has been great for Jersey and has boosted the number of tourists visiting the museum and La Hougue Bie – where many of the gold torques and other treasures within the haul have


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