miercuri, 31 august 2016

În Azerbaidjan a fost descoperit un nou tezaur medieval - 31.08.2016

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273 copper coins dating to the 12th century have been discovered during excavations near Uzuntepe village of the Jalilabad region, the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography at the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences reported.

The 273 copper coins dating to the 12th century were found in ancient jar during excavations
near Uzuntepe village in Azerbaijan's Jalilabad region [Credit: AzerNews]

The coins were studied by Dr. Ali Rajabli and subsequently cleaned by Dr. Rauf Guliyev.

The coins date back to the rule of Eldiguzids dynasty (12th century), also known as Atabegs of Azerbaijan.

The inscriptions show that the coins were minted on behalf of the Seljuk Sultan Arslan Shah (1161-1176).

The name of the Abbasid Caliph was depicted on one side of the dirham, while the 33rd verse of Surah At-Taubah from the Holy Quran on the other side.

The ANAS is the main state research organization and the primary body that conducts research and coordinates activities in the fields of science and social sciences in Azerbaijan. It was established on 23 January 1945.

The Academy closely cooperates with different foreign research institutions and organizes international scientific workshops and conferences in Azerbaijan.

Author: Laman Ismayilova | Source: AzerNews [August 29, 2016]


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