luni, 20 iunie 2016

O nouă monedă comemorativă slovenă - 20.06.2016

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On this day, just as planned, it has been issued 2 commemorative coin euro Slovenia puts into circulation in 2016 commemorating the "25th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Slovenia".

The core of the coin shows an exact replica of a manuscript fragment of the seventh stanza of the poem Zdravljica ( "A Toast"), written in 1844 by the Slovenian poet France Preseren, who on September 27, 1989 became letter Slovenian national anthem, and that its verses says: "Živé naj vsi naródi, ki hrepené dočákat 'dan" (blessing of god to all nations, who long waiting for the day).Composing specifically design the words " dočákat 'dan" (waiting for the day), whose ends are inscribed on the outer ring.You figuring added on free space left in the core commemorative inscription "25 LET" (25 years), the issuing country "REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA" and the year of issue "2016".

Description of the reasons of the coin: Carlos Pelaez

The issue volume for the currency are 1 million pieces of which 3,500 were minted in proof quality. The design has been done by Jernej Kejžar, minting has fallen to the Italian Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato (IPZS).

The present-day Slovenia was formed on 25 June 1991 to independence from Yugoslavia, after a relatively short armed conflict called ten-day war, which he opposed the army of the former Yugoslav federation. At that time, it was the most developed country of that federation.

In 2004 he joined the European Union. Slovenia joined the Euro on January 1, 2007, and the Schengen area in 2004. Already in 1993 had joined the Council of Europe since July 2010 and is part of the OECD.

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