sâmbătă, 16 aprilie 2016

Top 10 cele mai mari cristale din lume

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In this essay we explore Information and photos of mineral specimen(s) generally 'not so giant' crystals, however the largest crystals of their kind.

1-World's largest quartz crystal cluster on display.

World's largest quartz crystal cluster on display. Crystal gallery, Swakopmund, Namibia. Quartz crystal cluster on display in a museum in Namibia. This is the world's largest quartz cluster, it was discovered in 1985 at the bottom of a 45 metre deep cave in the Otjua mine near Karibib in Namibia. It weighs 14,100 kg and took three years to excavate and remove.

2-Largest known sulphur & native element crystal in the world.

The largest authenticated (terrestrial) NATIVE element crystal, 24.5 cm high, at the Museum of Natural History, Milan. Click image for magnification Photo : Roberto Appiani

3-The largest cut Cerussite Gemstone in the world.

"Light of the Desert", the world's largest faceted Cerussite gem (898 carats) from Tsumeb, Namibia, at Royal Ontario Museum, Canada. Cerussite is an extremely lustrous gemstone with amazing internal fire, greater than Diamond

4-The largest Halite crystal in the world.

The largest Halite crystal was found in Merkers potash mine, Thuringia, Germany. 1,1 x 1,1 m cubic. PIPPIG 1992

5-The Largest black diamond ever found. 

Sergio is the largest carbonado and the largest rough diamond ever found. It weighs 3167 carats and was found in the State of Bahia in Brazil in 1895. Like other carbonados it is believed to be of meteoritic origin. 

Sursa informaţiilor GeologyIn.

6-The largest Mica crystal in the world.

Biotite Mica with Adam and Eli for Perspective, From the Purdy Mine, Eau Claire Station, Ontario © Copyright Hershel Friedman and

The largest authenticated PHYLLOSILICATE crystal by length. Purdy Mica Mines. Ontario, Canada. This cleavage flake is in the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada.

7-The largest cut yellow topaz in the world.

The American Golden Topaz, The largest cut yellow topaz in the world, and one of the largest faceted gems of any type in the world. Originating from Minas Gerais, Brazil, it was cut by Leon Agee over a period of two years from an 11.8 kg.

8-The largest amber piece in the world.

In 1991 a german - malaysian expedition set out to salvage the 'largest amber piece in the world' and they succeed to delineate an amber piece of 3,5 m length, 1,5 m width and some decimeter height. This piece was reduced to the size of 2,3 m by 1,3 m for easier transport, but was finally further divided into three specimen for display in the Sarawak Museum in Kuching, the Museum of the Geological Survey of Sarawak and the Stuttgarter Naturkundemuseum in Germany.

9-The largest Colemanite in the world.

The largest Colemanite ever was found in Bigadic, Turkey and its Dimensions 30 x 30 x 20 cm, and it is now at Izmir University.

10-The largest Galena in the world.

The largest SULPHIDE crystal by volume and mass.
Galena, Great Laxcy Mine, Isle of Man, U.K.{composite cubo' octahedra up to 25 cm, specimen BM 61213).

Sursa informaţiilor GeologyIn.

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