vineri, 15 aprilie 2016

O nouă monedă comemorativă germană - 14.04.2016

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Resounding success we can qualify the issue today April 14, the German currency of 5 euros called Planet Earth, which is included as a world first polymer ring embedded in the piece. Long lines at banks have exhausted in a few hours coins available, although the amount has been limited, even in places to one per person.

The success of this coin has crossed borders, in fact this week much of the Spanish media have echoed the issuance thereof. What they have achieved in Germany is that many people who until now had only been interested in coins as payment, have been made with any of these to save.

On these lines we see one of the coins being dispensed in banks at face value, "standard" quality, pictured above appreciate those to collectors Proof finish, with a starting price of 15 55 euros. Both coins are minted in cupro-nickel, they have a diameter of 27.25 mm and a weight of 9 grams.

The issue volume is 1.5 million pieces in total, mint and other 250,000 250,000 Proof finish.

The design of the coin corresponds in reverse to Stefan Klein and Alina obverse Hoyer.

The reverse design is notable for its clear design and successful implementation of the theme Planet Earth. Inside continents formed by compression points are plotted. The planet is surrounded by blue ring representing the Earth's atmosphere which in turn separates from outer space.

The obverse shows an eagle, the word "FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY" and the face value, 2016, the twelve European stars and, depending on the mint, the mint mark "A" (Berlin), "D" (Munich), "F" (Stuttgart), "G" (Karlsruhe) or "J" (Hamburg).

Each of the Mints has a different shade of blue in the translucent polymer, which separates the outer ring of the core.

We complete the news with some videos

Official video of the coin
Sursa: Youtube Utilizator: Verkaufsstelle für Sammlermünzen
Video where the German finance ministers talks on currency and we can see some minting processes.
Sursa: Youtube Utilizator: TV Bayern Media
Queues at banks for currency
Sursa: Youtube Utilizator: BZ Berlin
I want to clarify, that you not precipiteis in buying as prices seem to begin to be lifted, which has been put on sale only part of the issue, when all are in the market prices should moderate.

Another thing not announced, but it is an open secret, is that the currency will be part of a collection that will continue in the coming years, all having in common the use of polymers as part of the piece.

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