miercuri, 16 martie 2016

O nouă monedă comemorativă letonă de 2 euro - 16.03.2016

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In 2018 Latvia commemorates the centennial of its independence, why it issues a series of four commemorative 2-euro coins dedicated to the historic regions that make up the country, coins that will circulate between the years 2016-2018.

The first to issue this year is dedicated to the Vidzeme region north of the country and owes its name to the Livonians a Finno-Ugric people.

Image courtesy of fellow Euromunter

The coin shows the coat of arms in the region, something that will be common to the entire series. The announced issue volume is 1,030,000 pieces, to be issued on a date to be determined.

The other three remaining coins in the series correspond to the regions of Kurzeme, Zemgale and Latgale, being issued in this order.

Independence of Latvia

The idea of ​​a united national identity began to take shape back in the s. XVII, when the descendants of the first peoples peasants began to unite under the name "Latvia". In the middle of s. XIX, the feeling was consolidated when the first newspapers published in Latvian language and held the first Festival of Song and Dance. Farmers gathered in the city to demand equal rights and political parties were to organize workers' strikes and overthrow the German aristocracy that remained in the area. Later, democratic leaders call "Latvian Revolution" to this struggle for freedom.

On 18 November 1918 the independent Latvian state, born of confusion and disquiet generated after the First World War was declared.

Extract taken from the web Lonely Planet

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