marți, 19 ianuarie 2016

Finlanda a lansat o nouă monedă comemorativă de 5 € - 19.01.2016

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The Mint of Finland, Suomen Rahapaja, began in 2015 a new series of bimetallic coins, with face of 5 euros, dedicated to the country's most popular sports. The coin series consists of nine pieces that are issued between 2015-2016 and have the same characteristics as the three previous series devoted to their regions.

The sixth coin, dedicated to skiing, was presented at today, but will not be issued until next February 15. This and all of the series are available in quality BU and Proof.

Finding a Finn who has never skied is complicated, since it is something of a national pastime: Finland's population is 5.4 million and one million Finns are considered active skiers. Many learn to ski at an early age, as the family ski holidays are a national concept, and many schools organize trips for their students.

The obverse of the coin the figure of two people of skiing is shown. The back, which is identical for the entire series, shows the curve of an athletics stadium, its track and a crowd of people cheering.

Features of the coin
Face value: 5 euros
Metals: Aluminum-Bronze and Copper-Nickel
Diameter: 27.25 mm
Weight: 9.8 g
Volume of issue: 50,000 and 10,000 BU Proof
Issue Date: February 15, 2016
Designer: Nora Tapper

Coins that make up the series and dates of issue

Gymnastics - July 6, 2015
Basketball - August 28, 2015
Figure skating - September 21, 2015
Volleyball - October 5, 2015
Ice Hockey - January 14, 2016
Skiing - February 15, 2016
Football - 2016
Athletics - 2016
Ski Jumping - 2016
Sursa informaţiilor aici.

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