duminică, 17 ianuarie 2016

Belaeus pregăteşte noi monede şi bancnote pentru circulaţie - 16.01.2016

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It will be in July this year when Belarus issued their new coins and notes for circulation. It was originally planned to be in 2009 when it had issued, but due to the global economic crisis and therefore the worsening economic situation in the country, was postponed. In 2016 after the redenomination of its currency, which will go from 10,000 rubles old, 1 new ruble, the new currency will be issued.

The Belarusian currency is one of the weakest in the world -a euro it is currently trading at 19,000 rubles and depreciation deepened with the Russian crisis caused by falling oil prices and by Western sanctions.

The coin series consists of eight values: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 kopeks more rubles 1 and 2, the latter being bimetal.
I leave a link to a PDF document published by the Bank of Belarus, where the official information about coins and notes is provided. 

Sursa informaţiilor aici.

Mai jos un catalog cu descrierea noilor monede şi bancnote
Acestea au fost programate pentru 2009, dar din cauza crizei economice au fost amânate până în 2016

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