miercuri, 23 decembrie 2015

Peru a pus în circulsţie o nouă monedă comemorativă - 23.12.2015

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A new coin a new series sun Wealth and pride of Peru has been presented and circulated today 21 December. The coin is devoted to ceramics Vicús belonging to a culture of ancient Peru that developed between the years 500 a. C. and 500 d. C. in the coastal area north of the country.

On the back, in the central part, a composition of two pottery Vicus is observed. The mark of the National Mint on a geometric design of vertical lines and the denomination and the name of the currency on a rolling lines are also appreciated. At the top of the sentence S. II BC CERAMICS Vicus shown S. IV AD 

On the front is seen in the center the coat of arms of Peru, in the outer edge the inscription "Central Reserve Bank of Peru," the year of issue and an inscribed polygon of eight sides forming the fillet currency.

This is the twenty-third currency, consisting of twenty Coin Series Wealth and Pride of Peru, which have been issued 12 million units this piece.

Denomination: 1 nuevo sol
Alloy: Alpaca
Weight: 7.32 g
Diameter: 25.50 mm
Edge: Fluted
year of issue: 2015
Issue: 12 million

Vicus ceramics

Vicus culture developed in what is now the Andean region of Piura. This culture was strongly linked to the regional development of South-North Coast and the Ecuadorian-Peruvian coast and ceramics is the most direct example of this link. Vicus ceramics were decorated using the technique known as "negative", used also by other cultures, which consisted of painting the areas that surround the figures so that they appear as negative.This technique has been rescued with some variations, by potters Chulucanas.

This pottery is characterized by grotesque style that can be seen in the figures showing similar style also used the Moche. Found ceramic having animals, plants, scenes of everyday life and human faces like the "portraits" Mochica with traits of the people of Piura, similarly to those in Guayas and Manabi in Ecuador.

Issued before

If you want to know the other twenty issued, this fascinating collection, I leave link to the news of his release, which was published at the time in Visual Numismatics.

1- Tumi de Oro 2 Sarcophagus of Karajía 3- Raimondi Stela 4- Sillustani 5- Monastery of Santa Catalina 6 Machu Pichu 7- Great Pajatén 8- Saywite Stone 9- Real Felipe Fortress 10- Temple of the Sun Vilcashuamán 11- Kuntur Wasi 12- Inca Temple Huaytará 13- Temple Kotosh 14- Paracas Textile Art 15- Tunanmarca 16-Sacred City of Caral 17- Huaca de la Luna 18- Old Palace Hotel 19- Cathedral of Lima 20- Petroglyphs Pusharo 21- Architecture Moqueguana 22- Huarautambo Archaeological Site
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