sâmbătă, 12 decembrie 2015

Monedele emise de Ucraina în luna noiembrie - 12.12.2015

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Thanks to Pavlo, a Ukrainian partner collector, every month we have a collection of numismatic news issued in their country. He takes care of me get the pictures and translations on the grounds that are dedicated to currencies. Let it issued in November 2015.

The Bank of Ukraine issued last November only one coin.

The Bank of Ukraine continues the series of coin collection, minted in silver and facial 2 hryvni, dedicated to the signs of the zodiac, with a markedly child guidance, are intended for newborns have their first coin, which the zodiac sign under which they were born is represented.

Last November 19 was issued this penultimate coin collection corresponding to the sign of Sagittarius.

The reverse of the coin a stylized composition of the zodiac sign Sagittarius, a boy on a toy horse carrying the bow and arrow, in addition to registration STRILCHYK shown.(Sagittarius)

On the back, above the shield of the State of Ukraine, inscriptions : semicircular - National Bank of Ukraine , low - denomination 2 hryvni and composition stylized - on the image of the sky the signs of the zodiac , the moon and the sun , year of issue 2015 logo and MintBank of Ukraine National (right ). The metal, its purity and the weight 925 Ag / 7.78 (left).

Features of the coin

Face value: 2 hryvni
Metal: Silver 925
Diameter: 26.5 mm
Weight: 7.78 g
Volume of issue: 10,000

So much it issued by Ukraine during the month of November. If our colleague Pavlo wants to work with the blog, next month we issued during the month of December.

Thanks Pavlo.

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