joi, 24 decembrie 2015

Lituania va pune în circulaţie în 2016 o nouă monedă comemorativă dedicată culturii baltice - 24.12.2015

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We already have the first image of the commemorative 2-euro coin issued in 2016 Lithuania, dedicated to the Baltic Culture.

As things do not change much, the design seems rather disappointing, hopefully once coined stay better than the first sketch that I show.

The design corresponds to Mikulskytė Jolanta, and the plaster mold was made by Giedrius Paulauskis. The emission volume is 1,000,000 pieces, of which it will be 10,000 as BU, predictably presented in a coincard. The date of entry into service will be the May 3, 2016.

Commemorative 2-euro coins announced for 2016

Baltic approach to culture

Lithuanians are more homogeneous culture of the Baltic republics and, despite Soviet domination, have preserved their traditions. Lithuanian is one of the only two Indo-European Baltic languages ​​remaining today. The Lithuanian has a dialect spoken in the western part of the country.

The cities, including the capital, preserved its medieval heritage and all the monuments related to the turbulent history of the territory fortresses, castles, churches and even prisons. Lithuanians have a reputation among his neighbors to be sociable and hospitable, but also a little exalted and unpredictable, like a Mediterranean character.

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