joi, 17 decembrie 2015

Federaţia Rusă a lansat o monedă din argint în formă de card bancar - 17.12.2015

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The Central Bank of the Russian Federation announced yesterday December 15, issuing a silver coin in Proof quality with facial 3 rubles, dedicated to the "Editing the first payment card system of national payments Federation Russia "(NSPK). The curious thing about this coin is that simulates one of these cards, both in design and in form. 

The silver coin minted in 925, is rectangular in shape and rounded edges. It has been coined by the Mint in St. Petersburg in an amount of 5,000 pieces. It weighs 33.62 g. with dimensions 51 mm long by 32 mm wide.

The obverse of the coin bearsa relief image of the coat of arms of the Russian Federation.Inscriptions: "РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ" (Russian Federation), "БАНК РОССИИ" (Bank of Russia), the denomination of the coin "3 РУБЛЯ" (3 RUBLES) and the year - "2015" the metal of Table Periodic Table of the Elements DI Mendeleyev, the finesse, the mark of the Mint in St. Petersburg and the fine metal content.

The reverse of the coin depicts an image of a payment card "Мир" national system of payment card requirements and traditional elements of payment cards. There is an inscription on top: "ВЫПУСК ПЕРВОЙ ПЛАТЕЖНОЙ КАРТЫ НСПК" (EDITION OF FIRST PAYMENT CARD NSPK).

Details of the new Russian Card

The card, which will be massive release in 2016 under the name Mir (Peace), will be used mainly to pay wages to public sector employees as well as pensions and other social security.

The introduction of the new card does not mean a waiver of Visa and MasterCard international payment systems which together control the overwhelming majority of the 210 million bank cards in Russia.

However, the Russian authorities are confident that the first national card one day come to occupy between 30% and 40% market share, mainly thanks to rates more attractive for Russian banks service.

The biggest disadvantage of the new card is to be used only on Russian territory for now.

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