sâmbătă, 5 decembrie 2015

Africa de Sud va pune în circulaţie o monedă comemorativă de 5 rand - 05.12.2015

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The South African Reserve Bank (SARB) announces the issuance of a commemorative coin with facial movement and bimetal 5 rand, alluding to the 200th anniversary of the first coin minted in South Africa, called Griqua. The currency is expected to enter circulation in early 2016.  

The currency Griqua, was created as a local currency in the city of the same name, but had great significance as the first currency of South Africa, the country first decimal currency and coinage first Christian missionary in the world.

The new five rand coin has a picture of the coin minted in 1815 Griqua City with the words "Coinage of Griqua Town 200" and the date "1815 and 2015" on the reverse. The obverse depicts the Coat of Arms South Africa.

Features Currency coin
Face value: 5 rand
Composition: outer copper-nickel; nickel-brass inner
diameter: 26 mm
Weight: 9.5 g
Issuing volume: 5,000,000

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