duminică, 15 noiembrie 2015

În Sahara Occidentală (Republica Arabă Democrată Saharawi (RASD)) va fi pusă în circulaţie în 2016 o monedă care comemorează 40 de ani de la formarea statului

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The Royal Mint of Segovia minted a commemorative coin for the 40th anniversary of the proclamation of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) under an agreement signed between the City Council and the Association of Friends of the Saharawi people, valid until December 2016. 

This is the first coin that is coined after the rehabilitation of the Segovia Mint. The medal be styled with an automatic nineteenth century. 

This type of machine was the last that was used prior to the termination, in 1868, the minting activity. 

The benefits derived from the sale will go entirely to humanitarian projects for Sahrawi refugees, affected in recent days by floods following torrential rains last October. The first issue will be 1,000 pieces, coined begin later this month. 

According to sources from the Association, in 1975 Spain abandoned Western Sahara without completing the required process of decolonization. Morocco invaded the territory and since then it occupies militarily. The February 27, 1976 the Saharawi people, protected by international law, proclaimed the independence of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, a fact the latter is intended to commemorate the minting of the coin.

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