joi, 8 octombrie 2015

Noile monede ale Statului Islamic

Notă: Această postare nu susține Statul Islamic și nici acțiunile lui. Postarea este realizată doar cu scop informativ(numismatic).

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10 copper fulus of the Islamic State

Weight: 10 g.
Dimensions: 29*3 mm.
Metal: copper

Used symbol: Crescent

Meaning: Muslim calendar

Reasoning: Allah said: “They will question thee concerning the new moons. Say that they are appointed times for the people, and the Pilgrimage.” 

Sursa informaţiilor:

20 copper fulus of the Islamic State

Weight: 20 g.
Dimensions: 37*2,60 mm.
Metal: copper

Used symbol: Palm tree

Meaning: Sacred tree resembling a Muslim

Reasoning: Abdullah ibn Umar passed on a riddle asked by the Prophet – blessings and peace be upon Him: “Among many trees there is one, which does not shed leaves and resembles a Muslim. What tree is it?” People spent a long time thinking over it but couldn’t find the answer. Only Abdullah guessed it but was too shy to say the truth out loud. People asked the prophet for an answer and he answered that this was a palm tree.

Sursa informaţiilor:

1 silver dirham of the Islamic State

Weight: 2 g.
Dimensions: 18*1 mm.
Metal: silver

Used symbol: Spear and shield

Meaning: The means for existence of Muhammad’s people – may Allah bless and greet Him – through jihad to the glory of Allah.

Reasoning: Ibn Umar passed on the words of Muhammad – may Allah bless and greet Him: “I’ve earned my daily bread with my spear, and all who stand against my allies will be punished by God.”

Sursa informaţiilor:

5 silver dirhams of the Islamic State

Weight: 10 g.
Dimensions: 26*2,30 mm.
Metal: silver

Used symbol: White minaret of Damascus

Meaning: The place of Christ’s descent – peace be to him – and the battlefield.

Reasoning: Nawas ibn Sam’an passed on the words of the Prophet – may Allah bless and greet Him: “Allah would send Christ, son of Mary, and he will descend at the white minaret, east of Damascus, placing his hands on the wings of two Angels. When he would lower his head, beads like pearls would scatter from it.”

Sursa informaţiilor:

10 silver dirhams of the Islamic State

Weight: 20 g.
Dimensions: 38*2,40 mm.
Metal: silver

Used symbol: Al-Aqsa Mosque

Meaning: The way of the Prophet – blessings and peace be to Him – and the main Qibla (the direction towards the Kaaba in Mecca).

Reasoning: Allah said: “Glory be to Him, who carried His servant by night from the Holy Mosque to the Further Mosque the precincts of which We have blessed, that We might show him some of Our signs.”

Sursa informaţiilor:

1 gold dinar of the Islamic State

Weight: 4,27 g.
Dimensions: 19*1,15 mm.
Metal: 21-carat gold

Used symbol: 7 ears of wheat

Meaning: The greatness of spendings to the glory of Allah

Reasoning: Allah said: “The likeness of those who spend their wealth in Allah's way is as the likeness of a grain which grows seven ears, each bearing one hundred grains. Allah multiplies for whom He pleases. Allah is All-Embracing, All-Knowing.” 

Sursa informaţiilor:

5 gold dinars of the Islamic State

Weight: 21,25 g.
Dimensions: 29*2,30 mm.
Metal: 21-carat gold

Used symbol: World map

Meaning: Prophecies of the Prophet – may Allah bless and greet Him – about future achievements of His people.

Reasoning: Tavban – may Allah be pleased with him – passed on the words of the Prophet – may Allah bless and greet Him: “Allah showed me the world in the shape of a corner. And I saw the whole world from the East and to the West and realized that someday this land will belong to my people.” This was passed on by Muslim.

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