vineri, 10 octombrie 2014

Locuri în care au cazut meteoriţi în Romania

1. Gresia, comuna Scrioatea, judeţul Teleorman, H4 Chondrire, 1990.

2. Kakova, astăzi Grădinari, judeţul Caraş-Severin, L6, 1858, 577 g.
Bigliografie: Iancu, O. G. : "Petrological considerations concerning the Kakowa meteorite", An. St. Univ. "Al. I. Cuza" Iasi, XLVIII, p. 53-60, 2002.

3. Mezö-Mădăraş, astăzi Mădăraşul de Câmp, judeţul Mureş , L3.7, 1852, 22,7 kg.
Bibliografie: HOINKES G. et al. (1974) Chemismus von Spinellen aus dem Mezö-Madaras Chondrit (in Analyses of Extraterrestrial Materials, eds. W. Kiesl et al., pp. 265-288, Springer, Berlin). DODD R.T. et al. (1966) Significance of iron-rich silicates in the Mezö-Madaras chondrite (Amer.Mineral. 51, 1177-1191). VAN SCHMUS W.R. (1967) Polymict structure of the Mezö-Madaras chondrite (GCA 31, 2027-2042). BINNS R.A. (1968) Cognate xenoliths in chondritic meteorites: Examples in Mezö-Madaras and Ghubara (GCA 32, 299-317). MICHEL-LEVY M.C. (1987) Microchondrules in the Mezö-Madaras and Krymka unequilibrated chondrites (abs. Meteoritics 22-4, 1987, 355-356). MICHEL-LEVY M.C. (1988) A new component of the Mezö-Madaras breccia: A micro chondrule- and carbon-bearing L-related chondrite (Meteoritics 23-1,1988, 45-48). NEHRU C.E. et al. (1991) Matrix lumps in Dhajala and Mezö-Madaras: Implications for chondrule-matrix relationships in ordinary chondrites (abs. Meteoritics 26-4, 1991, 377). TÖPEL-SCHADT J. et al. (1985) The submicroscopic structure of the unequilibrated ordinary chondrites, Chainpur, Mezö-Madaras, and Tieschitz: A (TEM) transmission electron microscopic study (Earth Plan.Sci. Lett. 74, 1-12). WOOD J.A. (1991) Alkali fractionation among chondrules of the Mezö-Madaras chondrite (Meteoritics 26-4, 1991, 410). SUGIURA N. et al. (1997) Isotopic compositions of carbon and nitrogen in Mezö-Madaras measured with a secondary ion mass spectrometer (Meteoritics 32,-4, 1997, A126).

4. Mocs, astăzi Mociu, judeţul Cluj, L5-6, 1882, 300 kg.
Bibliografie: Ferko, Thomas E., et al. "Exposure and Fall of the Mocs (L6) Chondrite: A Study of Strewn Field Samples." Meteoritics and Planetary Science., 35, 1215-1227, 2000 - Ferko, Thomas E., and M.E. Lipschutz. "Cosmogenic-Radionuclide Profile of the Mocs Meteorite Strewnfield; initial results" 27th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March 1996 - Ferko, Thomas E., and M.E. Lipschutz. "Cosmogenic-Radionuclide Profile of the Mocs Meteorite Strewnfield - a research update" 7th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, May 1996 - Iancu, O. G., Miura, Y., Iancu, G. : "Shock Effects in Olivine from Mocs Chondrite", Meteoritics, 30, 3: 524, 1995 - Miura, Y., Iancu, O. G., Iancu, G., Yanai, K., Haramura, H. : "Reexamination of Mocs and Tauti Chondritic Meteorites; Classification with Shock Degree", Proc. NIPR Symp. Antarct. Meteorites, 8, Tokyo: 153-166, 1995.

5. Ohaba, judeţul Alba, H5, 1857, 16,25 kg.
Bibliografie: Iancu, O. G. : "Petrological and geochemical considerations on the Ohaba chondrite", An. Inst. Geol. al Rom. Bucuresti, 73, p. 18-19, 2003.

6. Pleşcoi, judeţul Buzău, L5-6, 2008, 6,91 kg.

7. Şopot, judeţul Dolj, OC, 1927, 958 g.

8. Tăuţi, judeţul Arad, L6, 1937, 21 kg.
Bibliografie: Iancu, O. G., Iancu, G., Miura, Y., Iancu, S. G. : "Chemical Composition and the Degree of Shock Metamorphism of the Tauti Romanian Meteorite", Ann. Sci. Univ. "Al. I. Cuza" Iasi, XLII-XLIII: 15-25, 1997 - Miura, Y., Iancu, O. G., Iancu, G., Yanai, K., Haramura, H. : "Reexamination of Mocs and Tauti Chondritic Meteorites; Classification with Shock Degree", Proc. NIPR Symp. Antarct. Meteorites, 8, Tokyo: 153-166, 1995 - Hadnagy A., Miura Y., Iancu, O. G. : "Field Survey of Spherules and Other Microminerals From the Tauti Meteorite Fall Area (Arad County, Romania)", Abstracts of the International Symposium On Planetary Impact Events And Their Consequences On Earth “PIECE’99”, Japan, p. 34, 1999 - Iancu, O. G., Miura, Y. : "Shock Features and Composition of Tauti Meteorite", Abstracts of the International Meeting: Spherules and Global Events, Budapest, 1995 - Meteoritical Bulletin 56 - Meteoritics 14.

9. Tuzla, judeţul Constanţa, L6, 1920.

10. Zsadany, astăzi Corneşti, judeţul Timiş, H5, 1875, 552 g.
Bibliografie: Török, J. : "A Magyar Birodalom meteoritjei (II. rész)". Természettudományi Közlöny, 14, 495–514, 1882.

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