marți, 7 octombrie 2014

Cărţi despre meteoriţi

Cărţi cu generalităţi despre meteoriţi

Beatty, J. Kelly, Chaikin, Andrew, (1990), The New Solar System, Sky Publishing & Cambridge University Press, 326 pp.
Dodd, R.T. (1981) Meteorites: A petrologic-chemical synthesis, Cambridge University Press, 368 pp.
Dodd, R.T. (1986) Thunderstones and Shooting Stars: The Meaning of Meteorites, Harvard University Press, 196 pp.
Heide, F. and Wlotzka, F. (1995) Meteorites, Messengers from Space, Springer-Verlag, New York, 231 pp.
Hutchison, R. (1983) The Search for Our Beginning: An Enquiry Based on Meteorite Research Into the Origin of Our Planet and of Life, British Museum (Natural History) and Oxford University Press, 164 pp.
Hutchison, R. and Graham, A. (1993) Meteorites: The Key to Our Existence, Sterling Publishing Co., Inc., New York, 60 pp.
Kerridge, J.F. and Matthews, M.S. (1988) Meteorites and the early Solar System, The University of Arizona Press, 1269 pp.
Mason, B. (1962) Meteorites, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 274 pp.
McSween, H.Y. (1987) Meteorites and their Parent Bodies, Cambridge University Press, 233 pp.
Norton, O.R. (1998) Rocks from Space, Second Edition, Mountain Press Publishing Co., Missoula, Montana, 447 pp.
Wasson, J.T. (1985) Meteorites: Their Record of Early Solar-System History, W.H. Freeman and Company, 267 pp.
Voyage Through the Universe: Comets Asteroids and Meteorites, (1992), Time-Life Books, Alexandria, VA 144 pp.

Cărţi despre cratere (generalităţi)

Grieve, R.A.F. et al. (1988) Astronaut's Guide to Terrestrial Impact Craters, LPI Technical Report No. 88-03, 89 pp.
Mark, Kathleen (1987) Meteorite Craters, The Univ. of Arizona Press, 288pp.
Powell, J.W. (1998) Night Comes to the Cretaceous, Dinosaur Extinction and the Transformation of Modern Geology. W.H. Freeman and Company, New York, 250 pp.

Cărţi despre comete şi asteroizi

Binzel, R.P., Gehrels, T., and Mathews, M.S., editors (1989) Asteroids II, The University of Arizona Press, 1258 pp. (technical)
Delsemme, A.H., editor (1977) Comets, Asteroids, Meteorites: interrelations, evolution and origins, The University of Toledo, 587 pp. (technical)
Gehrels, T., editor (1979) Asteroids, The University of Arizona Press, 1181 pp. (technical)
Glass, B.P. (1982) Introduction to Planetary Geology, Cambridge University Press, pp. 325-351 (Chapter 10: Asteroids and Comets).
Whipple, Fred L. (1985) The Mystery of Comets, Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C., 276 pp.
Wilkening, L.L., editor (1982) Comets, The University of Tucson Press, 766 pp. (technical)

Cărţi despre istoria cercetării meteoriţilor

Burke, John G. (1986) Cosmic Debris: Meteorites in History, University of California Press, Berkeley, 445 pp.
Clarke, R.S.Jr., editor (1993) The Port Orford, Oregon, Meteorite Mystery. Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences, No. 31, Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C., 43 pp.
Hoyt, William Graves (1987) Coon Mountain Controversies: Meteor Crater and the Development of Impact Theory, The University of Arizona Press, Tucson, 442 pp.
Willey, Richard R. (1987) The Tucson Meteorites: Their History from Frontier Arizona to the Smithsonian, Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C., 47 pp. Reprinted by University of Arizona Press, 1997.


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