luni, 28 februarie 2022

Monedă argint (taler terezian)


Muzeul de Istorie
Săptămâna 01.03-06.03.2022
Monedă argint (taler terezian)
Bătută din argint, este de dimensiuni mari, stare de conservare bună și este emisă de Imperiul Habsburgic, în timpul Mariei Theresia, an 1780. Este o rebatere ulterioară anului inscripționat, cu permisiunea împăratului Iosif al II-lea,păstrându-se același milesim (1780). Scopul rebaterii a fost de a satisface cererea de pe piețele arabe și asiatice iar moneda a circulat inclusiv în America, Africa.
Diametru=4,4 cm; grosime=0,3 cm.
Avers: bustul Mariei Theresia cu privirea spre dreapta și textul R.IMP.HU.BO.REG. plus M.THERESIA.D.G.
Revers: stema specific (vulturul bicefal cu scut și coroană), însoțită de textul ARCHID.AVST.DUX.BURG.CO.TYR.1780.X
Piesa a fost descoperită întâmplător în Ocnele Mari.


Sursa informațiilor Muzeul Județean Aurelian Sacerdoțeanu Vâlcea.

Blendă, cuarț


Blendă, cuarț
Blendă (ZnS), cuarț (SiO₂) - eșantion format din cristale columnare lungi de până la 130 mm de cuarț, cu vârful piramidal transparent, orientate în diferite direcții și acoperite pe o parte cu cristale bine dezvoltate de blendă neagră - sub forma unor dodecaedrii rombici - dispusă într-un strat gros care „îmbracă” o parte a cristalelor de cuarț.
Dimensiuni: 22/10/15 cm
Proveniență: Mina Herja, Maramureș, România
Expunere: Viena (Austria, 1982); Monaco (2004); expoziția permanentă
Foto © Valentin Ganța
#ExponatulSăptămânii #MinaHerja


Sursa informațiilor Muzeul Județean de Mineralogie „Victor Gorduza” Baia Mare.

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Estonia - 28.02.2022 - VIDEO

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It will be on March 9 when the Estonian national commemorative 2-euro coin will be put into circulation to celebrate the “150th anniversary of the Estonian Literature Society”. I already have all the official information and images of the coin that I am going to present to you.

The Estonian Literature Society (Eesti Kirjameeste Selts – EKmS) was an influential association of Estonian intellectuals based in Tartu between 1871 and 1893.

The aim of the Society was the promotion of the Estonian language and literature in order to enrich the social life of Estonia and a greater understanding by Estonians of their history and culture.

The Society published approximately 100 articles during its 18 years of existence, between 1873 and 1890. From 1887 the society also organized literary competitions. The Society systematically collected Estonian folk poetry. Members of the Society collected ancient documents, coins, and ethnological artifacts.

The Society built an extensive library and organized numerous conferences. The beginning of Estonian Russification divided them. One group took a moderate stance towards tsarist demands, the other was an Estonian nationalist faction which largely rejected these concessions. On April 28, 1893, the society was closed by the Tsarist authorities.

The new commemorative coin shows an open book with the words of the first president of the Estonian Literature Society, Jacob Hurt, written on it: "Kui me ei saa suureks rahvaarvult, peame saama suureks vaimult", which means "If we can't be a great nation in numbers, we must be great in spirit', with the year 1872 in which the Estonian Society of Literates was founded. The society was founded in Viljandi and later functioned in Tartu, and helped promote Estonian literature and thus indirectly raise the cultural level of the Estonian people. The coin was designed by Riho Luuse.

The issue volume of this coin is 1 million pieces, of which 10,000 in Bu quality are presented as you can see in the image.

Video of the coin released by the Bank of Estonia

 Sursa: Youtube Utilizator: Eesti Pank
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Programul numismatic al Greciei pentru anul 2022(PDF) - 28.02.2022 - VIDEO

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This week the Greek Numismatic Program 2022 has been released, which showed you a few days ago the national commemorative 2-euro coin dedicated to “200 years of the first Greek Constitution”. Today, thanks to a catalog and a video from the Bank of Greece, we will learn about all the issues that will be made available to collectors in 2022.

Numismatic Program Greece 2022

The flagship of last year's numismatic program was the special series of commemorative coins to celebrate 200 years since the Greek Revolution of 1821. However, since the Greek revolution spanned almost an entire decade, we will have the opportunity, in the coming years, , to commemorate several upcoming bicentennials of the heroic Greek uprising.

Thus, the 2022 numismatic program will feature three commemorations in relation to the Greek Revolution:

A silver coin dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Chios massacre, the tragic event immortalized by Eugène Delacroix.
A €2 commemorative coin to honor the bicentenary of the First Greek Constitution, adopted in January 1822 during the First National Assembly of Greek rebels.
A silver coin dedicated to Lord Byron, the most iconic Philhellenic, with which a new series begins in tribute to the Philhellenic movement that did so much to promote the cause of Greek independence.

Two other themes feature prominently on the 2022 numismatic program:

The fascinating Antikythera Mechanism, in a new series launched this year, titled Ancient Greek Technology.
The 100 years of the Asia Minor Disaster, which led to the eradication of the Greek element from Asia Minor.

The 2022 numismatic program will of course also include coins from other popular long-running series:
Ares, god of war (belonging to the Gods of Olympus series )
Xenophon, Athenian historian and prolific writer of various works (in the Greek Historians series )
The Ancient Theater of Epidaurus, one of the best preserved from ancient times (in the Cultural Heritage series ).
Paeonia Parnassica, a majestic wild flower endemic to Mounts Parnassos and Elikonas in central Greece (from the series Flora endemic to Greece )
2022 – International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture, which follows the tradition of honoring the years declared by the UN.
The charming island of Chios (from the series Greek tourism ).
Last but not least, a common type commemorative 2 euro coin is dedicated for 35 years of the Erasmus programme.

Link to the Catalog of numismatic issues Greece 2022

Video of the Numismatic Program Greece 2022

 Sursa: Youtube Utilizator: Ίδρυμα Εκτύπωσης Τραπεζογραμματίων και Αξιών
Sursa informațiilor aici.

duminică, 27 februarie 2022

Noi bancnote de pe mapamond CXCI - 27.02.2022

 I. 100 dolari Guyana


II. 1 leu România


III. 20 manat Azerbaidjan


IV. 200 quetzal Guatemala


V. 5.000 franci Africa de Vest - Coasta de Fildeș


VI. 10 rupi Pakistan


VII. 20 rupi Pakistan


VIII. 100 rupi Pakistan


sâmbătă, 26 februarie 2022

Arțarul (Acer platanoides)


Acer platanoides – Fossil leaf, Pliocene (Dacian, 4,2 - 3,7 mya), Borsec: the most widespread native maple in Europe 

 Canadian maples species

#ExponatulSăptămânii; #MuzeeleUBB;

Arțarul (Acer platanoides)
Genul Acer (popular arțar) cuprinde specii de arbori cu lemnul alb și tare, cu frunze caracteristice, lucioase, despicate în cinci vârfuri lungi și ascuțițe.
Cele mai vechi resturi fosilizate de arțar, din specia Acer amboyense, au fost găsite în Alaska în depozite de vârstă Cretacică (120-110 milioane ani). Speciile timpurii de arțari au avut frunze cu trei lobi evoluând treptat la frunzele palmate cu cinci lobi de astăzi. Arțarii au atins cea mai largă distribuție în Miocen (23 - 5 milioane de ani în urmă).
În prezent genul Acer include aproximativ 155 de specii răspândite preponderent în emisfera nordică (America de Nord și Centrală, Europa, Asia și nordul Africii). În emisfera sudică există o singură specie de arțar (Acer laurinum) care trăiește în insulele Sulawesi și Java din Indonezia.
Az Acer (közismert nevén juhar) nemzetségbe olyan fafajok tartoznak, amelyek jellegzetessége a kemény, fehér törzs és az ötkaréjos, hegyes csúcsú, fényes levelek.
A juhar legrégibb ismert fosszilis képviselője, az Acer amboyense, amelynek fosszilis maradványai Alaszka kréta időszaki (120-110 millió éves) üledékes kőzeteiből került elő. A korai juharfajok csupán háromkaréjos levelekkel rendelkeztek, amelyek fokozatosan alakultak át a mai tenyeres, ötkaréjos levelekké. A juharfajok a miocénben (23-5 millió évvel ezelőtt) érték el a legnagyobb kiterjedésű területi elterjedésüket.
Az Acer nemzetség ma mintegy 155 fajt foglal magában, amelyek elsősorban az északi féltekén (Észak- és Közép-Amerikában, Európában, Ázsiában és Észak-Afrikában) élnek. A déli féltekén csak egyetlen juharfaj, az Acer laurinum, fordul elő, amely Indonéziában, valamint Celebesz és Jáva szigetein őshonos.
The genus Acer (popularly called maple) includes species of white and hardwood trees with characteristic, glossy leaves that are split into five long, sharp tips.
The oldest fossilized maple remains, from the species Acer amboyense, were found in Alaska in Cretaceous deposits (120–110 million years ago). Early maple species had three-lobed leaves, gradually evolving into today's five-lobed palmate leaves. Maples reached their widest distribution in the Miocene period, between 23 and 5 million years ago.


Sursa informațiilor Muzeul de Paleontologie-Stratigrafie UBB, Cluj-Napoca.

Noi monede comemorative americane - 26.02.2022

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USA quarter dollar 2022 - Maya Angelou
New circulating commemorative design:

"1st coin in the American Women Quarters program: Maya Angelou"

Maya Angelou (1928-2014) was a celebrated writer, performer, and social activist. She rose to international prominence as an author after the publication of her groundbreaking autobiography "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings." Angelou's published works of verse, non-fiction, and fiction include more than 30 bestselling titles.

Angelou's remarkable career encompasses dance, theater, journalism, and social activism. She appeared in Broadway and off-Broadway plays, including "Cabaret for Freedom," which she wrote with Godfrey Cambridge. At the request of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., she served as northern coordinator of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. In 1978, she was a National Book Award judge for biography and autobiography.

Angelou read "On the Pulse of Morning" at the 1992 inauguration of President Clinton. Angelou's reading marked the first time an African American woman wrote and presented a poem at a presidential inauguration. She was also only the second poet in history to do so, following Robert Frost, who recited a poem at President Kennedy's inauguration in 1961.

Angelou received more than 30 honorary degrees and was inducted into the Wake Forest University Hall of Fame for Writers. In 2010, President Obama awarded her the Presidential Medal of Freedom. She was also the 2013 recipient of the Literarian Award, an honorary National Book Award for contributions to the literary community.

Composition: copper-nickel clad copper
Diameter: 24.26 mm
Weight: 5.67 g
Thickness: 1.75 mm
Obverse artist: Laura Gardin Fraser
Reverse artists: Craig Campbell & Emily Damstra
(image and information from

LINK: The United States Mint


Sursa informațiilor aici.

USA quarter dollar 2022 - Dr. Sally Ride
New circulating commemorative design:

"2nd coin in the American Women Quarters program: Dr. Sally Ride"

Dr. Sally Ride (1951-2012) was a physicist, astronaut, educator, and the first American woman to soar into space.

When she blasted off aboard Space Shuttle Challenger on June 18, 1983, Ride became the first American woman – and, at 32, the youngest American – in space. During the six days of mission STS-7, she deployed and retrieved a satellite with the shuttle's robotic arm. Her second shuttle flight, STS-41G, made history as the first space mission with two female crew members.

After her historic spaceflight, Ride saw that her example was a powerful tool for inspiring young people, especially girls, to pursue careers in science. She teamed up with Tam O'Shaughnessy to write six science books for young people. “The Third Planet: Exploring the Earth from Space,” won the American Institute of Physics' Children's Science Writing Award in 1995.

To narrow the gender gap in science and engineering careers, Ride and O'Shaughnessy started an education company to inspire young people, especially girls, in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). In 2001, they joined like-minded friends with expertise in physics, administration, and technology to found Sally Ride Science. One of Ride's goals in starting the Sally Ride Science organization was to make sure girls and boys of all backgrounds had access to role models who looked like them.

Ride received many honors during her life, including induction into the Astronaut Hall of Fame, National Women's Hall of Fame, and Aviation Hall of Fame.

Composition: copper-nickel clad copper
Diameter: 24.26 mm
Weight: 5.67 g
Thickness: 1.75 mm
Obverse artist: Laura Gardin Fraser
Reverse artists: Phebe Hemphill & Elana Hagler
(image and information from

LINK: The United States Mint


Sursa informațiilor aici.

USA quarter dollar 2022 - Wilma Mankiller
New circulating commemorative design:

"3rd coin in the American Women Quarters program: Wilma Mankiller"

Wilma Mankiller (1945-2010) was the first woman elected principal chief of the Cherokee Nation and an activist for Native American and women's rights.

She was born in the Cherokee Nation in 1945. After drought devastated her family's land in the 1950s, her family was moved to a housing project in California, where the adolescent Mankiller experienced culture shock, exacerbated by poverty and racism.

After Mankiller returned to the Cherokee Nation in 1977, she founded the Community Development Department for the Cherokee Nation. She led the creation of community water systems and rehabilitation of houses during the administration of Principal Chief Ross Swimmer. In 1983, Swimmer named Mankiller his running mate in his bid for re-election. When they won, Mankiller became the first woman elected deputy chief of the Cherokee Nation. After Swimmer left office to lead the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs, she became principal chief.

Mankiller was elected chief in 1987, and four years later, re-elected in a landslide. She tripled her tribe's enrollment, doubled employment, and built new housing, health centers, and children's programs in northeast Oklahoma. Under her leadership, infant mortality declined and educational levels rose. Her leadership on social and financial issues made her tribe a national role model. After leaving office in 1995, she remained a strong voice worldwide for social justice, native people, and women.

Mankiller received the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1998, the highest honor given to civilians in the United States. She was inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame in 1993.

Composition: copper-nickel clad copper
Diameter: 24.26 mm
Weight: 5.67 g
Thickness: 1.75 mm
Obverse artist: Laura Gardin Fraser
Reverse artists: Phebe Hemphill & Benjamin Sowards
(image and information from

LINK: The United States Mint

Sursa informațiilor aici.

USA quarter dollar 2022 - Nina Otero-Warren
New circulating commemorative design:

"4th coin in the American Women Quarters program: Nina Otero-Warren"

Nina Otero-Warren (1881-1965) was a leader in New Mexico's suffrage movement and the first female superintendent of Santa Fe public schools. Otero-Warren emphasized the necessity of using the Spanish language in the suffrage fight in order to reach Hispanic women. She also spearheaded the lobbying effort to ratify the 19th Amendment in New Mexico. Otero-Warren strove to improve education for all New Mexicans, working especially to advance bicultural education and to preserve cultural practices among the state's Hispanic and Native American communities.

Composition: copper-nickel clad copper
Diameter: 24.26 mm
Weight: 5.67 g
Thickness: 1.75 mm
Obverse artist: Laura Gardin Fraser
Reverse artists: Craig Campbell & Chris Costello
(image and information from

LINK: The United States Mint


Sursa informațiilor aici.

USA quarter dollar 2022 - Anna May Wong
New circulating commemorative design:

"5th coin in the American Women Quarters program: Anna May Wong"

Anna May Wong (1905-1961) was the first Chinese American film star in Hollywood. She left a legacy for women in the film industry. Wong appeared in more than 60 movies throughout her career. In addition to her roles in silent films, television, and stage, she landed a role in one of the first movies made in Technicolor. She achieved international success despite racism and discrimination.

Composition: copper-nickel clad copper
Diameter: 24.26 mm
Weight: 5.67 g
Thickness: 1.75 mm
Obverse artist: Laura Gardin Fraser
Reverse artists: John P. McGraw & Emily Damstra
(image and information from

LINK: The United States Mint

Sursa informațiilor aici.

Noi monede comemorative din Australia - 26.02.2022

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Australia 2022 - Baby Coins
Three new commemorative types as part of the 2022 Uncirculated Baby Coin Set:

(images and data from

LINK: Royal Australian Mint


Sursa informațiilor aici.

Australia 1 dollar 2022 - Centenary of the Country Women's Association CWA
New commemorative type:

"Centenary of the Country Women's Association CWA"

Composition: aluminium-bronze
Diameter: 25.00 mm
Weight: 9.00 g
Mint: Royal Australian Mint (Australia)

(images and data from

LINK: Royal Australian Mint


Sursa informațiilor aici.

Australia 2 dollars 2022 - Frontline Workers
New commemorative type as part of the 2022 Frontline Workers Six Coin Uncirculated Year Set:

"Frontline Workers"

Composition: aluminium-bronze
Diameter: 20.50 mm
Weight: 6.60 g
Mint: Royal Australian Mint (Australia)

(images and data from

LINK: Royal Australian Mint


Sursa informațiilor aici.

Australia 50 cents 2022 - 50th anniversary of the Tamworth Country Music Festival
New commemorative type:

"50th anniversary of the Tamworth Country Music Festival"

Composition: aluminium-bronze
Diameter: 31.51 mm
Weight: 14.09 g
Mint: Royal Australian Mint (Australia)
Mintage: 30,000

(images and data from

LINK: Royal Australian Mint


Sursa informațiilor aici.

Noi monede comemorative din Austria - 26.02.2022

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Austria 5 euro 2022 - Easter coin: Little I-am-Me
New commemoratives in copper and silver to be issued march 16th:

"Easter coin: Little I-am-Me"

Composition: copper
Diameter: 28.50 mm
Weight: 8.90 g
Composition: silver .925
Diameter: 28.50 mm
Weight: 8.41 g
Sursa informațiilor aici.

O nouă monedă comemorativă americană - 26.02.2022

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On Wednesday, February 23, the first US dollar coin of this year belonging to the American Innovation series was issued. This collection of coins is intended to honor innovation and innovators from each of the States and Territories that make up the United States.

This fourteenth piece in the series represents the State of Rhode Island, in recognition of naval architect Nathanael Herreshoff's famous yacht Reliance, which incorporated numerous technical innovations when built in 1891.

The reverse design depicts Nathanael Herreshoff's yacht Reliance speeding through the waters surrounding Rhode Island. The design is bordered by a rope that evokes the nautical scene. The inscriptions are "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" and "RHODE ISLAND".

Designer: Dennis Friel
Sculptor-Engraver: Phebe Hemphill

 Designed by Justin Kunz and engraved by Phebe Hemphill, the obverse features the same design common to the entire series, featuring the image of the Statue of Liberty in profile and the inscriptions "$1" and "IN GOD WE TRUST" (IN GOD WE TRUST).

The coins in this series show the year of minting or issue, the mint mark and the text “E PLURIBUS UNUM” (out of many, one) on the edge of the coins.

Characteristics of the coin

Denomination: 1 dollar
Composition: Zinc, Manganese, Nickel and Copper
Weight: 8.1 grams
Diameter: 26.5mm
Singing: with inscriptions
mint marks: Philadelphia–P
San Francisco–S (Proof)

American Innovation dollars coin series

 The American Innovation Coin Series began in 2018 and will end in 2032, and is intended to honor innovation and innovators by issuing $1 coins for each of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the five United States territories. United States: Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, US Virgin Islands, and the Northern Mariana Islands.

Coins are available at face value in the United States. The order of issue is the same as the states ratified the US Constitution or were admitted to the Union. Once a coin is issued for each state, coins for the District of Columbia and the territories will be released.

Other coins that make up the collection to date

Coins are displayed in the order of issue.
2018 1 Introduction first patent​

2019 two Delaware Annie Jump Cannon
3 Pennsylvania polio vaccine
4 New Jersey Electric light
5 Georgia Trustees' Garden

2020 6 Connecticut Gerber Variable Scale
7 Massachusetts Telephone
8 Maryland hubble space telescope
9 South Carolina Seventh Clark

2021 10 New Hampshire pong
eleven Virginia Chesapeake Bay Bridge
12 New York erie canal
13 North Carolina University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Sursa informațiilor aici.