vineri, 31 decembrie 2021

Guttus ceramic


Guttus ceramic
Datare: Secolul IV a. Chr. (350-325 a. Chr.)
Vas ceramic cu o toartă supraînălţată, orificiu central şi cioc lateral pentru picurare. Este acoperit cu firnis negru la partea inferioară şi cu decor de patru benzi ce pleacă din jurul gurii în jos. Piesa este întâlnită în complexele funerare de epocă elenistică.
Vasele de acest tip erau utilizate, în principal, în scop religios, la efectuarea sacrificiilor pentru a picura ulei, lapte sau vin amestecat cu apă. Alte utilizări aveau un caracter domestic, ca de exemplu hrănirea bebeluşilor cu lapte, alimentarea opaiţelor cu combustibil sau la îmbăiere, pentru picurarea uleiului folosit la îngrijirea pielii.
Piesa a fost clasată în categoria juridică Fond în cadrul proiectului „Un viitor pentru trecut – clasarea și valorificarea patrimoniului epigrafic și sculptural callatian”, finanțat prin Granturile SEE 2014 – 2021 prin Programul RO-Cultura, derulat de Direcția Cultură și Sport Mangalia, prin serviciul Muzeul de Arheologie „Callatis”, în parteneriat cu Universitatea "Ovidius" din Constanța.
Programul RO-Cultura
Granturile SEE si norvegiene
EEA and Norway Grants
#rocultura #mangalia #eeagrants


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O nouă monedă comemorativă din Ucraina - 31.12.2021

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One of the most aided themes and used every year by the different Mint Houses around the world to translate it into their coins, is to dedicate a piece to the Chinese lunar calendar, each one associated with an animal. The year 2022 on the Chinese calendar (it begins on February 1, a month later than for us, it will end on January 21, 2023), will be for the Year of the Tiger, according to the Chinese Horoscope.

As I said, there are many coins dedicated to the animal that will reign during the new year, sometimes pieces that our economy does not reach. Today I am going to show you one, for the Year of the Tiger, which will be available to almost everyone since its price can be around 5 euros.

On December 9, the Bank of Ukraine issued a 5-hryvna face coin minted on an alpaca alloy dedicated to the Year of the Tiger. Of this coin, 50,000 pieces have been minted, of which 20,000 come in a special presentation.

On the obverse of the coin are shown: at the top, a small state emblem of Ukraine, to the right of which the semicircular inscription «УКРАЇНА» (UKRAINE); the 12 symbols of the Chinese calendar appear in a circle on a mirror background, in the center of the circle there is a stylized clock with an arrow pointing to a tiger, symbol of the year, below the arrow the figure "2022"; at the bottom left in a semicircle "5 UAH" as a face value; on a matte background, the symbols that identify each season: a snowflake (above), a flower (on the right), a berry (below), a leaf (on the left); the mark of the Mint of the National Bank of Ukraine appears to the left of the rabbit symbol.

The reverse of the coin represents in a stylized way the animal that corresponds to 2022 according to the Chinese calendar, the tiger, which appears surrounded by symbols inherent to each season: snowflakes (top right), flowers (bottom right) , fruits (bottom left), branches (top left). 

20,000 coins come in this presentation.

Technical characteristics of the currency and its issuance

 Country Ukraine
Year 2022
Face Value 5 Hryvnia
Metals Nickel silver alloy (zinc, copper and nickel)
Date of issue December 9, 2021
Weight 16.54 g
Diameter 35 mm
Quality BU
Throw 50,000
Design Куц Марина


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Noi monede comemorative din Malta - 31.12.2021

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Another country that does not miss the opportunities that are presented to it is Malta, which has just announced its 2022 numismatic program including in it no less than three commemorative 2-euro coins with which it will mistreat collectors, by doing that with the different combinations of mint marks, one of them has more than one version and, if this were not enough, it will issue the piece with the lowest circulation to date, 53,000 units. Gentlemen, grab the belts that come curves.

2 euro commemorative Malta 2022 by order of issue

Hal Saflieni Hypogeum

 During the month of May, it will issue the first coin belonging to the series "Prehistoric Temples of Malta" dedicated to the "Hypogeum of Hal Saflieni", with which this series started in 2016 is completed when the seven pieces that make up the series are completed. number that megalithic temples are located in Malta.

It will have a circulation of 180,000 pieces, 150,000 will be issued in rolls of 25 coins, 20,000, with a mint mark that will be presented on a coincard and 10,000 within the 2022 euroset with the eight regular circulation coins and the 2 coin. Euro commemorative with a different mint mark.

The Hal Saflieni Hypogeum is the only known prehistoric underground temple; It was excavated around 2500 BC. C. It is considered that its first function was that of a sanctuary and that later, but still in prehistoric times, it became a necropolis.

35th Anniversary of the Erasmus Program

On July 1, 2022, a total of 82,500 coins of the common commemorative for the "35th Anniversary of the Erasmus Program" will be issued, 62,500 will be put on sale in rolls of 25 coins and the remaining 20,000 in a box.

The Erasmus Program, acronym for the official name in English, European Region Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students, began in 1987 as an exchange program that offered students university students the possibility of learning and enriching themselves by studying abroad, making it easier for students to complete part of their studies at universities in other EU countries.

United Nations Security Council Resolution on the Peace and Security of Women

 The third will be issued during the month of October under the name of "Resolution of the United Nations Security Council on the peace and security of women." Only 53,000 coins make up this issue, which will become the smallest of all those issued so far by Malta. 50,000 are advertised on a coincard and 3,000 on a box.

The United Nations Security Council has published several resolutions related to women, peace and security, beginning with resolution 1325 of the United Nations Security Council approved in 2000. This resolution, which established a legal framework political and historical, recognizes the importance of the participation of women, as well as the inclusion of the gender perspective in peace negotiations, humanitarian planning, peacekeeping operations, peacebuilding in situations post-conflict and governance. Since then, the Security Council considers the issue of "women, peace and security" annually.
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Noi monede comemorative britanice - 31.12.2021

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#UNITED_KINGDOM 2022: 2£ "Dame Vera Lynn"
Issue 04/01/2022


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#UNITED_KINGDOM 2022: 2£ "Alexander Graham Bell"
Issue 04/01/2022


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Noi bancnote de pe mapamond CLXXXIV - 31.12.2021 - VIDEO

 I. 100 somoni Tadjikistan

Sursa: Youtube Utilizator: bonistics_org


II. 100 peso Mexic


III. 2.000 franci Africa de Vest - Guineea-Bissau


IV. 10.000 franci Africa de Vest - Guineea-Bissau


V. 5 dinari Iordania


VI. 10 dinari Iordania


VII. 20 ouguiya Mauritania


VIII. 200 somoni Tadjikistan


IX. 5 quetzal Guatemala


X. 500 ngultrum Bhutan


marți, 28 decembrie 2021

O nouă monedă de circulație din Insulele Falkland - 28.12.2021

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Falkland Islands 1 pound 2020 - New bimetallic circulation type
New bimetallic circulation type:

(news and images from Wolfgang Weitlaner and Pabitra Saha)


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O nouă monedă de circulație din Venezuela - 28.12.2021

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Venezuela 50 céntimos 2021 - New circulation type
New circulating coin type:

(photo by Pabitra Saha)
(news by Dario Silva and Pabitra Saha)


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O nouă monedă comemorativă din Barbados - 28.12.2021

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Barbados 55 dollars 2021 - 55th Anniversary of Independence
New silver collector's type:

'55th Anniversary of Independence and transition to a Parliamentary Republic'

Composition: .999 silver plated with 24Kt gold
Mint: Osborne Coinage Company (USA)

(news by Aidan Work and Pabitra Saha)

LINK: Central Bank of Barbados 


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Programul numismatic al Germaniei pentru anul 2022 - 28.12.2021

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I have compiled all the coins that will be issued in Germany during the year 2022, in total there are twelve new coins that the Münze Deutschland will make available to collectors, where there will be a great variety of themes and metals in which they will be available. Let's get to know them in the order, from smallest to largest, of their facials.

2 euro commemorative coins

State of Thuringia - Wartburg Castle (January 25)

In 2022, the last coin that completes the series started in 2006 dedicated to the 16 Federated States (Länders) that make up the country is issued, plus the one issued in 2019 dedicated to the Bundesrat, the chamber of representation of the Federated States. The series will consist of a total of 17 pieces. In 2023, the second part of this series will begin, which will continue until 2038.

The 2022 coin is dedicated to the State of Thuringia and depicts the Wartburg Castle. This was proclaimed a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2019 for being an outstanding monument from the feudal period in Central Europe.

35th Anniversary of the Erasmus Program (July 1)

At the initiative of the European Commission, all the member states of the euro zone, which so wish, including Germany, will issue a commemorative 2-euro coin on 1 July 2022 to celebrate the "35th Anniversary of the Erasmus Program".

5 euro coin

Series The Wonderful World of Insects - Kingdom of insects (20 October)

A new series of coins is started that will consist of a total of nine pieces with partially colored motifs, extending between the years 2022 to 2024. Against the background of current events (extinction of insects), the series focuses on a special group of animals that constitute an important part of the planet's natural heritage. The coins are cupronickel.

10 euro coin

At the Service of Society Series - Caregivers (April 7)

The new series follows the innovative line started a few years ago by incorporating a translucent polymer ring in the central area that separates the coin into two parts.

The first coin of the five in the series will be issued under the name «Caregivers». A piece will be broadcast every year between 2022 and 2026. The series focuses on the special importance of the professions that are indispensable for the functioning of our society and the life of each person. It is an expression of respect and appreciation for these people who always act in the interest of the common good. Each year the polymer ring will have a different color for each of the professional groups that will be represented on the coins. This piece is made of a cupro-nickel alloy and a turquoise plastic ring.

20 euro silver coins

Brothers Grimm Tales Series - Rumpelstiltskin (January 20)

Coin dedicated to the Brothers Grimm children's classic Rumpelstiltskin (The Jumping Dwarf).

225th Anniversary of Annette von Droste Hülshoff (February 24)

The coin is issued on the occasion of the 225th anniversary of the birth of Annette von Droste Hülshoff (1797-1848). This piece pays tribute to the well-known German writer and poet, one of the most important in the German language of the 19th century.

50 Years of the German Children's Fund (12 May)

The organization to which the coin is dedicated, founded in 1972, advocates for further implementation of children's rights in Germany. Support a child-friendly Germany with equal opportunities for all children.

1200 Anniversary of the Corvey Monastery (September 22)

 The 1200-year-old former Benedictine Monastery of Corvey was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2014. It is the oldest and almost completely preserved Western Carolingian work in the world, it is a unique archaeological relic of the Carolingian era. It is, therefore, a monument of exceptional universal value and of great importance for the cultural history of humanity.

25 euro silver coin

Christmas Series - Moravian Star

The series, which began in 2021, is dedicated to one of the most important celebrations of Christianity, deeply rooted in German culture and customs. The bright, multi-pointed "Star of Moravia", symbolizing the star of Bethlehem, is a Christmas tradition that has its origins in the Moravian Brothers and is already known throughout the world.

20 euro coin in gold

Return of the Wild Animals - Gray Seal (June 20)

This coin marks the start of a six-piece series called 'The Return of the Wild Animals', of which a coin will be issued annually between 2022 and 2027. The series focuses on animals that were almost extinct in Germany in the past and that are now back, among other things as a result of species and nature conservation measures.

50 euro coin in gold

Musical Instruments Series - Concert Guitar (August 8)

This year within the series dedicated to Musical Instruments, it is the turn of a string guitar, the concert guitar.

100 euro coin in gold

Pillars of Democracy Series - Freedom (October 4)

This series, which ends in 2022, is composed of three 100-euro gold coins called "Pillars of Democracy", began in 2020 on the 30th anniversary of the entry into force of German reunification in 1990. The coins have taken from the third stanza of the German national anthem: "Einigkeit", "Recht" and "Freiheit" ("Unity", "Justice" and "Freedom"), words that have been represented individually on each of the coins, together to a representative composition.

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O nouă revistă numismatică din Franța - 28.12.2021 - PDF

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La Monnaie de Paris already has its catalog number 4 for 2021 ready, which helps us to know in depth the latest issues of the French Mint.

Unfortunately, many of these broadcasts are not presented in Visual Numismatics, not because they are not interesting, which they are a lot, but because of the lack of time to accommodate everything that is broadcast on this website. So this catalog and future ones, will help me to keep you better informed about the emissions of our neighboring country.

Link to catalog PDF



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sâmbătă, 25 decembrie 2021

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Spania - 25.12.2021

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The most widely collected coin in Europe today is the 2 euro commemorative coin, it is a piece with which many people tend to start collecting coins and also numismatics. They are, in general, very easy coins to get and with very attractive motifs. In Spain we have the broadcast of a highly appreciated series, of which today I am going to show you the new piece that will be broadcast in 2022.

In 2010, the FNMT-RCM began issuing a series of 2-euro commemorative coins dedicated to Spanish sites inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. In 2022 it will be the turn of the thirteenth coin in the series that is dedicated to the Garajonay National Park.

On the obverse, the Roque de Agando and a detail of the laurel forest are reproduced . In the upper right part, in capital letters and in a circular sense, the legend SPAIN and the year of minting 2022; below, the mint mark. Surrounding all the motifs and legends, in the outer circular area of ​​the coin, the twelve stars of the European Union appear.

On the edge of the coin appears the inscription: «2 * *» repeated six times and alternately oriented from bottom to top and from top to bottom.

The issue volume is 1,000,000 pieces that will be issued during the first quarter of 2022.

Coins issued and to be issued from the UNESCO World Heritage series in Spain
There are 49 sites that Spain has declared as World Heritage Sites. The coins in this extensive series are issued in the order in which they were proclaimed. As long as one continues to be issued per year, this would be the year that would correspond, or has corresponded, to each place.

2010 - Historic Center of Córdoba
2011 - Alhambra, Generalife and Albaicín de Granada
2012 - Cathedral of Burgos
2013 - Monastery and Royal Site of El Escorial
2014 - Work of Gaudí
2015 - Altamira Cave and Paleolithic Rock Art of the Cantabrian Coast
2016 - City Old Segovia and its Aqueduct
2017 - Monuments of Oviedo and the Kingdom of Asturias
2018 - Old City of Santiago de Compostela
2019 - Old City of Ávila and its churches outside the walls
2020 - Mudejar Architecture of Aragon
2021 - Historic City of Toledo
2022 - National Park de Garajonay
2023 - Old City of Cáceres
2024 - Cathedral, Alcazar and Archive of the Indies of Seville
2025 - Old City of Salamanca
2026 - Poblet Monastery
2027 - Royal Monastery of Santa María de Guadalupe
2028 - Archaeological Ensemble of Mérida
2029 - Camino de Santiago
2030 - Doñana National Park
2031 - The Historic Walled City of Cuenca
2032 - La Lonja de La Seda de Valencia
2033 - Monte Perdido
2034 - Las Médulas
2035 - Palau de la Música Catalana and Hospital de Sant Pau
2036 - Monastery of San Millán de Yuso y Suso
2037 - Rock Art of the Mediterranean Arch of the Iberian Peninsula
2038 - University and Campus Historic of Alcalá de Henares
2039 - Ibiza, biodiversity and culture
2040 - San Cristóbal de La Laguna
2041 - Archaeological Complex of Tarraco
2042 - Roman Wall of Lugo
2043 - Catalan Romanesque Churches of Vall de Boí
2044 - Archaeological Basin of Atapuerca
2045 - Palmeral of Elche
2046 - Cultural Landscape of Aranjuez
2047 - Renaissance Monumental Complex of Úbeda and Baeza
2048 - The Vizcaya Bridge
2049 - Teide National Park
2050 - Tower of Hercules
2051 - Prehistoric Rock Art Sites of the Côa Valley and Siega Verde
2052 - Sierra de la Tramontana
2053 - Mercury Heritage: Almadén and Idrija
2054 - Antequera Dolmens
2055 - Primary and mature beech forests of the Carpathians and other regions of Europe
2056 - Caliphal City of Medina-Azahara
2057 - Fallen cliff and the sacred mountains of Gran Canaria
2058 - Paseo del Prado and Buen Retiro, landscape of arts and sciences

This is how the issuance of the 2 euro commemorative coins would remain dedicated to the World Heritage Sites in Spain, with the 49 that it currently has. It is almost certain that over the years the list will expand, each new place that is incorporated into the UNESCO list will also become part of this collection of coins, yes, in the last place.

You may wonder if several places have been declared a World Heritage Site in the same year, what is the criterion to put one before the other. In this case, the number with which it has been registered by UNESCO governs, of course, the lowest first.

2 euro commemorative coins from Spain

2 euro commemorative coins 2022
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O nouă monedă comemorativă din China - 25.12.2021

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China 10 yuan 2022 - Year of the Tiger
New bimetallic commemorative:

"Year of the Tiger"

External ring: brass
Center disc: copper-nickel
Diameter: 27.00 mm
Weight: 9.10 g
Thickness: 2.10 mm

(image from Wenbo Dong)
(news from Wenbo Dong, Jacek Stącel and Pabitra Saha)

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O nouă monedă de circulație din Azerbaidjan - 25.12.2021

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Azerbaijan 20 qapik 2021 - New type
New circulation type:

The Central Bank of Azerbaijan (CBA) has put into circulation a new 20 qapik coin. The redesigned coin depicts the state emblem of Azerbaijan and the year of issue.

Composition: brass plated steel
Diameter: 24.25 mm
Weight: 6.60 g

(news and image by Pabitra Saha and Eddy Reynaert)


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