Cum dispare patrimoniul României XX

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Din aceeaşi serie: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI şi XII,XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII şi XIX.

În cele ce urmează voi afişa link-uri şi știri video care înfăţişează infracţiuni comise împotriva patrimoniului naţional, fie prin furt din muzee, din situri arheologice, fie prin detecţie de metale în situri sau prin nepredarea descoperirilor realizate în urma acestui hobby! Sunt trecute în revistă şi distrugerile de monumente, prin diverse metode! Şi nu în ultimul rând comerţul ilicit cu bunuri de patrimoniu.

I. Monumente

Reşedinţa istorică a mitropoliţilor din Ardeal. Cum se dărâmă superba clădire de patrimoniu cu voie de la Guvern


21. Matrița de bani, găsită de căutători de comori 

Sursa: Youtube Utilizator: Gorj TV

III. Traficul de antichități

IV. Diverse

Descoperiri arheologice din România - lunile Octombrie - Decembrie 2017 - VIDEO

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Sursa: Youtube Utilizator: MaraMedia TV

Noi bancnote de pe mapamond LIV - 30.12.2017

I. 50 taka Bangladesh


II. 20 lire sterline Irlanda de Nord


III. 1 rublă Transnistria - comemorative


IV. 200 peso Mexic


V. 500 peso Mexic


VI. 20 dinari Tunisia


VII. 5 lei Republica Moldova


O nouă monedă comemorativă ucraineană - 30.12.2017

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On December 26, the Bank of Ukraine issued a coin with a facial of 5 grivnas minted on an alloy of alpaca, to commemorate the "50 Years of the World Congress of Ukrainians". In these congresses that are celebrated all over the world the Ukrainian communities in the diaspora, vindicate the principles of democracy, human rights, support for independence, territorial integrity, national identity and economic development of Ukraine. Since 2003, the CMU has been recognized by the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations as a non-governmental organization with special consultative status. 

On the reverse side of the coin represents the stylized image of a sheaf, which symbolizes the union and grouping of CMU activities around the world; on both sides the years 1967 and 2017 are shown; On the outside of the circumference is read in Ukrainian and English "UKRAINIAN WORLD CONGRESS". 

On the obverse of the coin, on a background representing a stylized image of the earth, a decorative tree in the form of embroidery is shown. As usual, in all Ukrainian currencies, the national coat of arms of Ukraine, the year of issue, the face value and the logo of the Mint of the National Bank of Ukraine are also represented.


Face value: 5 grivnas
Metal: Alpaca
Diameter: 35 mm
Weight: 16.54 g
Volume of emission: 35.000

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O nouă monedă/amuletă din Kazahstan - 30.12.2017 - VIDEO

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The Bank of Kazakhstan issued on December 22 a curious silver coin in a triangular shape, with 100 tenge facial, in which we can store or use as an amulet. In the upper part of the coin there is a fastening element of the two parts (front and back) of the coin. It is designed as a hole around an axis that makes it possible to move the front and the back and can insert an amulet into it. The hole it presents can also be used to attach a chain and use it as a medallion-talisman.

The reverse is encrusted with a semiprecious stone, a turquoise, which is framed by the national ornament, outside these, the texts "TҰMAR • SIҚYRLY NYSHANDAR" in Kazakh language and "MAGIC OF SYMBOLS • TUMAR" in English .


The obverse in its central part shows the face value "100 TENGE" the purity of the silver "Ag 925" the weight of the coin "31,1g" and the year of issue "2017", all surrounded by the national ornament, out of this the texts "National Bank of Kazakhstan" in Kazakh and English. On the left side of the coin the mint mark of the Kazakhstan Mint is displayed, on the right the logo of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The maximum emission volume is 6.0o0 pieces, which have a finish that simulates old silver, in a surface of 40 mm. The coin is presented with the name of "Tumar". It is believed that using the "tumar" (box where the amulets are kept) entails the owner a mental protection, welfare and prosperity.

I leave you a couple of videos, together, so you can better appreciate the currency. One is the official of the Bank of Kazakhstan and the other is that of a collector who shows us a real coin in great detail.

Sursa: Youtube Utilizator: Jesús Rodríguez

Sursa: Youtube Utilizator: Игорь Павлович

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joi, 28 decembrie 2017

Despre o monedă britanică medievală din aur care valorează 500,000 £ - 28.12.2017

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The first ever English gold coin that had to be scrapped after a banking blunder meant is was worth less than its weight in gold, is now tipped to sell for £500,000.

Some 52,000 of the King Henry III gold pennies were struck nearly 800 years ago before it was realised they were too heavy.

The basic mistake meant the gold it was made from was worth more than the coin itself.

Britain's first financial crisis: The coins had to be discontinued after it was realised the gold from which they're made was of higher value than the coin itself

This made the coins financially unviable as the holders could get more money from melting them down for gold rather than using them as currency.

Virtually all of them were smelted and were replaced with correctly weighed pennies in 1257. 
Today only eight of the coins exist, with all but three of them held by institutions.

The coins featured a 'long cross' and five-petalled roses and the name of the King's doubtless red-faced goldsmith, William of Gloucester

One of the three in private hands has been put up for sale and is set to fetch £500,000.

It is being sold by an anonymous collector who has owned it for 21 years.

Cristiano Bierrenbach, of the numismatic department at US-based Heritage Auctions, said: 'These gold pennies were the first gold coins made in England. 
King Henry III, who ruled for more than 50 years, ordered up to 52,000 gold pennies to be struck nearly 800 years ago, before it was realised they were too heavy

'King Henry III tried to establish a trade conversion value for a coin to match the Ducat coin which was used on mainland Europe.

'He ordered the creation of a gold coin for his kingdom to be struck at twice the weight of a silver penny.

'But the issue was ultimately unsuccessful. The coins had a standard weight of 3.5 grammes but an error was made and the coin was made too heavy, about 4.2 grammes.

'After that the coin was pulled from circulation and they were melted down and more gold pennies were struck at the correct weight.

'It is incredibly rare to come across one of these. It is a big ticket item and we expect it to got for higher than the estimate.' 
In 1862, new one rupee coins were created, known as the Regal issue, bearing the bust of Queen Victoria. They were minted from 0.917 silver and weighed 11.66 grams

The coin depicts King Henry seated on a throne wearing robes. He has a scepter in his right hand and an orb in his left.

The reverse features a long cross and the name Willem on LVND. This is William of Gloucester who was the King's goldsmith and ultimately responsible for the error.

It is being sold on January 8.
Sursa informaţiilor şi imaginilor DailyMail.

O nouă monedă comemorativă austriacă - 28.12.2017

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Happy New Year! This is the motto of this year’s 5-Euro New Year coin 2018“Löwenkraft“, which shows a magnificent lion. The gift of new year coins made of silver and copper as a lucky charm for the coming year will continue with this 5-euro coin in a beautiful tradition.

Traditionally, at the turn of the year, we combine a confident look into the future with a curious one in the past. For this reason, we go back 650 years to the history of Austria on the occasion of the New Year’s coin 2018.

Deep in the Middle Ages, we encounter the shining example of a mischievously smiling lion; his face framed by pretty curls. He stands for strength, courage and confidence. In short? “Lion power”.

This charming face comes from the splendid booklet of the gospel book completed by Johannes von Troppau in 1368, which can be seen as a magnificent codex in the Austrian National Library, written entirely in gold. Especially as he represents the oldest surviving manuscript, which was in Habsburg possession. The Codex is considered the very first book of the Austrian National Library, celebrating its 650th anniversary in 2018.

It is a nice idea to know that thousands of descendants of this particular lion move out at New Year’s Eve to bring joy of life to the people and to act as good luck charms and power donors.

As with all previous Austrian 5-euro coins, the nine coat of arms are arranged on the value side of the nine-cornered coin.

The silver coin in the quality Hand lifted is available in the blister for 18.60 euros ($22.09 USD; including 20% ​​VAT), the copper coin is available for a nominal value of 5 euros ($5.94 USD).

Sursa informaţiilor CoinWeek.

O nouă monedă comemorativă italiană - 28.12.2017

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Just nine days ago our colleague Wojtax told us from Germany the reason for the second coin of 2 euros commemorative of Italy in 2018, with dedication to the «60th Anniversary of the Italian Ministry of Health», today completing this information, also shows us a first picture. 

Unless the motive and the sketch have been approved by the European Commission, few data are available.

2 commemorative coins 2018

2 euro commemorative coins of Italy
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Noi monede comemorative argentiniene - 28.12.2017 - VIDEO

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The Central Bank of the Argentine Republic (BCRA) has put into circulation the new 1 and 5 peso coins. Both will coexist with 1 peso coins and 5 peso bills currently in circulation.

Both pieces are part of the new family of coins, "Trees of the Argentine Republic", composed of four denominations of 1, 2, 5 and 10 pesos, with the images of jacaranda, palo borracho, arrayán and caldén, respectively .

These species are representative of different Argentine regions. As in the case of native animals present in the banknotes, the choice of trees aims to celebrate the value of Argentina's natural resources and to raise awareness about environmental preservation.

1 Peso coin
Its design presents on the obverse, in the central field, the stylized representation of the jacaranda. In the upper arch appears the text "ARGENTINE REPUBLIC"; in the lower one, the word "JACARANDÁ".
On the reverse side of the coin, on the right, there is a synthesis of the flower of the jacaranda and in the upper arch, the year of coinage "2017". The motto "IN UNION AND FREEDOM" is located at the bottom. Finally, the location of the denomination "1 PESO" on the left indicates the Northwest region, the most important of this species in the Argentine territory.

Data sheet

Made of electrodeposited steel with copper and has a reddish hue.
It measures 20 millimeters in diameter and weighs 4.3 grams.
It has a thickness of 1.7 millimeters and its edge is smooth.

5 pesos coin
The design presents on the obverse, in the center, the stylized representation of the arrayán. In the upper arch, the text "ARGENTINE REPUBLIC" is observed, and in the lower arch, "ARRAYÁN", common name of the tree.
On the back, on the right, there is a synthesis of the flower of the arrayán accompanied by the year of coinage "2017" and, in the upper arch, the motto "IN UNION AND FREEDOM". The location of the denomination "5 PESOS" indicates the Patagonia, the region where this species is more representative.

Data sheet

Coined in electroplated steel with nickel and its color is silver.
It measures 23 millimeters and weighs 7.3 grams.
It has a thickness of 2.2 millimeters and the edge is smooth.

During 2018 the new series of circulating coins from Argentina will be completed, with coins of 2 and 10 pesos, with the figures of the drunkard and the caldén respectively.

Video (no audio)
Sursa: Youtube Utilizator: Banco Central de la República Argentina
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O nouă monedă comemorativă chineză - 28.12.2017

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China Gold’s silver 10 yuan struck to mark last November’s Beijing International Coin Exposition. (Image courtesy China Gold) 

This year’s annual Beijing International Coin Exposition took place from Nov. 10-12. The People’s Bank of China marked the occasion with the issuance of a 40 mm, 30 g .999 fine silver 10 yuan.

The obverse depicts the logo of BICE superimposed on the globe. The reverse shows design used by the PRC on its 2017 Year of the Rooster coins accompanied by that of a Gallic rooster. This is one from a series of gold and silver coins issued by France from 2010 to 2014 celebrating a series of French numismatic icons.

The new coin’s mintage is 30,000.
Sursa informaţiilor NumismaticNews.