sâmbătă, 1 iunie 2019

Apariție editorială: AUXILIA MOESIAE SUPERIORIS, Autori: Florian Matei-Popescu Ovidiu Ţentea

Florian Matei-Popescu
Ovidiu Ţentea

"The publication of the newly discovered Roman military diplomas allow us now to determine in a more accurate way the deployment pattern of the auxiliary units, both in Moesia Superior and then in Dacia, thereafter, Dacia superior and Porolissensis. Since the auxiliary units in the newly conquered province by Trajan were transferred from Moesia Superior our conclusions cover also the Dacian provinces.
Moreover, it is also now possible to see the important impact of the making of the Dacian province and Trajan’s Parthian war on the distribution of the military units located on the Roman frontier, beginning from Pannonia (and not only, also from Britannia and Germania inferior) to the Black Sea and further to the East. It will be therefore the task of this paper to present an overview regarding the deployment of the auxiliary units located in Moesia Superior and Dacia from Domitian to Hadrian, when the defense system was established." (from "Conclusions")

Sursa informațiilor Editura MEGA.

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