marți, 10 iulie 2018

Un nou tezaur descoperit în Japonia - 10.07.2018

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(Courtesy Saitama Cultural Deposits Research Corporation)
Left to right: ceramic jar, jar with coins, and wooden tablet

In a town just north of Tokyo, a ceramic jar filled with thousands of bronze coins has been unearthed at the site of a fifteenth-century samurai’s residence. According to archaeologist Yoshiyuki Takise of the Saitama Cultural Deposits Research Corporation, the coins, which were cast in China, may have been an offering to the deity of the earth, or may simply have been buried for safekeeping. Markings on a wooden tablet found on the rim of the jar indicate it could contain as many as 260,000 coins, a number that Takise says far exceeds what one would expect to find in circulation in what was then a rural area.


Sursa informațiilor Archaeology.

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