vineri, 11 august 2017

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Kazahstan - 11.08.2017

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The Kazakh warlord, Ablai Khan, is the figure chosen by the National Bank of Kazakhstan to be represented in the fourth coin of the series called "Portraits on Banknotes" that was issued yesterday 9 August. The series pays homage to illustrious figures of the country who have previously appeared in one of their tickets. 

The portrait of Ablai Khan was represented on the obverse of the 100 tenge ticket of 1993. The ticket you can under these lines, a ticket that was withdrawn from circulation a few years ago.

Characteristics of the coin

Denomination: 100 tenge
Metal: Nickel plated
Weight: 11.17 g
Diameter: 31 mm
Print run: 10,000
Very important for those who collect these coins. All the so far issued in this series had volumes of emission of 100,000 units, for this are announced only 10,000 and presented as the one you see in the image below. Mind you, the price can skyrocket.

Coins issued earlier in this series


Abay Kunanbayuli

Abul Khair Khan
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