joi, 3 august 2017

Noi monede comemorative britanice - 03.08.2017 - VIDEO

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In 1987, The Royal Mint issued a new investment currency denominated Britannia in the international market that would stand out instantaneously between collectors of this type of currency representing Great Britain abroad. Three decades later, when celebrating the 30th anniversary of Britannia's gold coin and the 20th anniversary of the silver coin, they are recognized throughout the world as symbols of quality and beauty.

In 2017, The Royal Mint sought out young talents from Britain's fine arts colleges to design a truly modern Britannia. Louis Tamlyn, a student at Central Saint Martins in London, was the chosen one. Louis and his design have achieved a unique perspective and detail to be represented in this new currency.


Louis Tamlyn has created a design that represents a modern UK that balances heritage and progress.

On the back of the coin is the image of Queen Elizabeth II.

Britannia is the female personification of Britain, embodying the country's changing ideals and values ​​throughout history. Their journey began 2,000 years ago, when the name Britannia was given to the country by Roman invaders. It was under the Emperor Hadrian that he gave life, appearing on his bronze coins, the symbol of a conquered colony.

The history of Britannia in coinage is also the history of Great Britain. Throughout the centuries it has provided inspiration to artists and sculptors, each creating its own interpretation of the icon. Britannia has been represented sitting and standing, joined by lighthouses, ships, lions and owls. Certain carefully selected attributes, such as their Corinthian helmet, shield, trident and olive branch, often make their appearance.

Sursa: Youtube Utilizator: The Royal Mint

All 30 Year Designs of Gold Coins

All 20 year designs of silver coins

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