marți, 29 noiembrie 2016

Noi monede comemorative spaniole - 29.11.2016

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Fabrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre-Royal Mint makes available to the public the seventh series of collector coins, "Numismatic" which is dedicated to the Hemidracma of Ebusus, the Ace of Clounioq and the drachma light Gadir. Coins, two gold and one silver, have facial 100, 20 and 10 euros and are minted in proof quality. 

Emissions called "Numismatic" aim rescue for today's audiences the most unique pieces of Hispanic numismatics. The first series, issued in 2008, was dedicated to the Roman Áureo and the Spanish-Greek drachma; the second, in 2009, the CENTEN and segovianos Cincuentín; the third, in 2011, the Hispanic-Carthaginian Shekel and two Visigoth Triente emissions, those of Leovigildo Suintila and kings; the fourth series, 2012, the gold Maravedí Alfonso VIII, the Dinar Almohad and Alfonso VIII of a Money; the fifth, 2014, three coins of the Catholic Monarchs: Excellent Two of Granada, the Middle excellent and Real; and sixth, 2015, two coins minted by the Mint of Madrid in 1615-a piece of two shields and a four piece reais plus another currency with the mintmark of Madrid in 1615 and used types front and back of the coppers that were minted in the mint Madrid from 1618.

100 euro coin

In the center of the front, inside a circle, the face of a Hemidracma of Ebusus appears. On the reverse, the reverse of the same coin.

20 euro coin

In the center of the front, inside a circle, the front of an Ace of Clounioq play. On the reverse, the reverse of the same coin.

Currency 10 euros

In the center of the front, inside a circle, the face of a drachma Gadir light appears. On the back, the back of the same piece. 

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