luni, 15 august 2016

Apariţie editorială: Die antike Münze als Fundgegenstand - Kategorien numismatischer Funde und ihre Interpretation by Günther E. Thüry

Die antike Münze als Fundgegenstand - Kategorien numismatischer Funde und ihre Interpretation by Günther E. Thüry.

vi+200 pages; 13 plates of which 11 are in colour. German text with English abstract.

ISBN 9781784914158. £35.00.

Interpretation of coin finds is not an easy thing. How to distinguish, for example, material of ‘hoards’ from that of ‘votive deposits’? Where are the ‘border lines’ dividing numismatic find-categories from each other? Questions like these deserve closer scrutiny, and this book tries to face the problems by:

- proposing clear definitions for categories and sub-categories of coin finds;
- collecting and interpreting written testimonies (from ancient literature, epigraphy and papyrology) casting light on reasons and circumstances of coin deposition and coin loss in antiquity;
- describing differences of composition between the categories;
- discussing difficulties of ‘differential diagnosis’ and the role of secondary finds.

For each problem and for each find-category a large number of examples are offered.

For more information and to order please visit our website:

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